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Read Electric Daisy Vol. 7 (2011)

Electric Daisy vol. 7 (2011)

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Electric Daisy Vol. 7 (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Akira, nama yang sempat muncul sebentar secara sembunyi-sembunyi di volume sebelumnya, sekarang menunjukkan aksinya dengan lebih jelas. Penggambaran lebih menyeramkan dibandingkan antagonis yang lain, padahal sebelumnya dikira mirip dengan kakaknya Teru.Walaupun serem, tetep aja keren :D Aksi di Akira inilah yang kemudian membuat Teru dan Kurosaki, yang ingin mengungkapkan rahasianya, gagal karena pengiriman SMS 'pengusiran' yang tidak sengaja dikirim oleh Teru. Well, volume yang satu ini lumayan banyak aksi dibandingkan sebelum-sebelumnya. In SummaryTeru and Kurosaki have been doing the dance of Kurosaki holding back and Teru pretending she doesn’t know Kurosaki’s secret for a while now, but the time has come for the truth to be revealed. As that moment approaches, there’s more than enough emotional angst to satisfy the shojo reader as well as a helping of intrigue as Mori and her shadowy accomplice Akira seek to turn Kurosaki’s confession into an opportunity for themselves.The ReviewThe way Teru bumps into the weird hoodie guy in the last volume it’s pretty much a given he’s going to return, and he does, in a big way. The shadowy Akira adds on to the cast of bad guys, and though he’s in cahoots with Mori, he is a bit of a loose cannon. He seems less interested in the intrigue surrounding Daisy and more interested in messing with Teru’s mind, which he’s quite effective at, especially since he physically resembles her brother. It’s still not quite clear what he and Mori are after, but we do get more hints about Daisy’s less than upstanding past.At any rate, Akira’s mischief does the trick of pushing Teru and Kurosaki’s relationship along. When Teru gets her first kiss stolen, her reaction is standard shojo stuff. Kurosaki’s, however, is adorably hilarious, and what follows is an entire chapter of Kurosaki agonizing over the convoluted situation between him and Teru. Despite all the guilt and angst Kurosaki struggles through, Motomi-sensei does a good job of injecting just enough humor so that the plot doesn’t get completely bogged down.Kurosaki’s ultimate decision to confess to Teru will probably draw a collective “Finally!” from Motomi-sensei’s readers. Of course, such confessions never go as planned, and it’s little surprise when Akira and Mori show up to ruin things. It’s almost too easy how Kurosaki takes down Mori, but with Teru in Akira’s clutches at the end of the volume, the story seems headed toward another big rescue/confrontation in Volume 8.

What do You think about Electric Daisy Vol. 7 (2011)?

A lot happens near the end. Another good volume in this manga series.

The ending... Whoa... So glad I already have Volume 8 at hand!

This review is for the Italian Edition.

Idiotas!! todos idiotas!!

3.67WOAH intense!!!! XD

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