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Read Series: Dirty Blood

by Author Heather Hildenbrand


Blood Bond (2012)

Such a good read! This entire series surprised me considering most free kindle downloads are poor. I read the first in one sitting, and the same goes for the second and now this one! I couldn't put it down and now I don't know what I'm going to do with myself until book 4 comes out! Tara develops...

Blood Bond (2012) by Heather Hildenbrand

Cold Blood (2011)

I loved the first book in this series and I am totally impressed by how the author continues with this book. Let me state this to begin with - - you MUST MUST MUST read the first book of the series (Dirty Blood) before you read this book!!!The first book (Dirty Blood) ends with Tara being expelle...

Cold Blood (2011) by Heather Hildenbrand

Dirty Blood (2011)

I am giving this review for author Heather Hildenbrand and Mark My Words. This is book 1 of the 4 book series by the author.Tara Godfrey is a typical school girl until she learns that her goosebumps that she gets is a warning sign that something is close by. Wesley St. John knows all about the co...

Dirty Blood (2011) by Heather Hildenbrand