Such a good read! This entire series surprised me considering most free kindle downloads are poor. I read the first in one sitting, and the same goes for the second and now this one! I couldn't put it down and now I don't know what I'm going to do with myself until book 4 comes out! Tara develops into a well rounded character during this novel and so much happens I think the only thing I can say is to read this novel instead of reading this review! Can't wait to see what happens in book 4 It's taking to long to get the next book! Very interested in this story line and where it could go... I love finding new ways to see the old stories of werewolfs, vamps and any other scary story we grew up with. But were's and hunters vamps and hunters, the mixing of the two to make something new and different. This different group see things other than the distraction of one or the other, they see peace. By this books end I began to piece together how this could end, but I have been surprised so far that I will make no assumptions.
Twilight overtones but the heroine is a bad ass so it's forgiven.
I can't wait until the 4th book comes out!!!
Review to follow.