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Read Series: Fallen World

by Author Megan Crewe


The Worlds We Make (2014)

The Worlds We Make is the third book to an exciting trilogy. The main character Kaelyn's mission through out the book is to find a doctor somewhere in the world still alive that can make more of her vaccine that her dad made before his passing. This deadly disease is spreading quickly starting of...

The Worlds We Make (2014) by Megan Crewe

Supervivientes (2014)

In this third and final book in the Fallen World series, Kaelyn and her friends have the possible cure for the virus that has changed their world. But they are running from the Wardens who will stop at nothing to get the vaccines. As she and her companions head south to Atlanta where doctors are ...

Supervivientes (2014) by Megan Crewe

Und wenn wir fliehen (2013)

Es una lástima que Aislados, la primera parte de la trilogía El mundo en ruinas, no sea más conocida, ya que todas las personas que conozco que la han leído han quedado tan encantadas con su lectura como yo. Me parece que la trama principal de esta trilogía es bastante original dentro de lo que v...

Und wenn wir fliehen (2013) by Megan Crewe

Životy, které jsme ztratili (2013)

Second book in the Fallen World series, which takes us on a journey though a world in which the "friendly flu" has wiped out much of the population, but one teen has the makings of a vaccine that her dad was working on before his death. I like the characters and the relationships that are woven i...

Životy, které jsme ztratili (2013) by Megan Crewe

Tak padne náš svět (2012)

When I was in 8th grade, I went to the library and I spotted this book. I read the cover and it seemed interesting enough. I was hooked on from the very beginning. The way Crewe formatted the story (through diary entries) improved it greatly. This virus, which spreads through the air, is so terri...

Tak padne náš svět (2012) by Megan Crewe

Aislados (2012)

I don't think I enjoyed it very much. It was a bit dreary, still no conclusion until the end. Too many death and hope, well hope is probably very, very little. They were also abandoned by the authorities. Simultaneously reading this while my hometown is actually facing a crisis... ie a flood (bad...

Aislados (2012) by Megan Crewe