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Read Series: Fjällbacka

by Author Tiina Nunnally


The Hidden Child (2011)

"Os Diários Secretos" é o quinto livro da série sueca de sucesso do Patrik Hedström, da autora Camilla Läckberg. A escritora de romances policiais transporta-nos, mais uma vez, à localidade de Fjällbacka e às suas personagens, a quem já nos afeiçoamos: o casal Erika Falk e Patrik Hedstrom e a sua...

The Hidden Child (2011) by Tiina Nunnally

The Preacher (2011)

So we continue with our two main characters, Ericka Falck and Patrik Hedström. Now, however, Ericka is pregnant and physically unable to contribute much to the investigation. In fact, she is almost entirely sidelined. So what does she do in this book, apart from being heavily pregnant and uncomfo...

The Preacher (2011) by Steven T. Murray

The Ice Princess (2010)

Really, I've given this book 3.5 stars, but once again, I'm faced with the fact that goodreads lacks the 1/2 star option. Even though I dislike star ratings, I try to be fair and round up when I need to.Erica Falck, the main character of this story, is a writer of biographies of famous women. How...

The Ice Princess (2010) by Steven T. Murray

Il guardiano del faro (2009)

This was better than some of the other Camilla Lackberg novels I've read but I need to remind myself that I actually do not really enjoy her style of prose. The continual reminders to how Erica struggled with parenthood for the first few months of Maja's life, the fact that Patrik loves Erica and...

Il guardiano del faro (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

A Ilha dos Espíritos (2009)

Definitely not one of Lackberg's best! I do enjoy the Hedstrom series and enjoyed the sideline stories of what's happening with the growing family of Erica & Patrik, the problems of Erica's sister Anna after the accident, and the home life of the Mellberg/Morales family. The mystery itself, howev...

A Ilha dos Espíritos (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Majakanvartija (2009)

foi difícil dar uma classificação a este livro.Por um lado acho que o motivo pelo qual o crime foi cometido, está muito bem conseguido. Só já bastante adiantada na história, comecei a colocar aquela hipótese, mas sempre com muitas incertezas.Por outro lado, não gostei da parte do livro que se pas...

Majakanvartija (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Der Leuchtturmwärter (2009)

Es el primer libro de la autora que leo y... esperaba más.Hay momentos en los que la investigación se me ha hecho bastante lenta, como que no avanzaba nada, además que en otras ocasiones me parecía repetitivo.Me ha enganchado a partir de la página 40, pero el final me ha matado... no me ha gustad...

Der Leuchtturmwärter (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Le Gardien de phare (2009)

I really enjoyed this. It says something that even though I have no time to read books for fun because of starting grad school, I chose to speed-read this in one night. (For one thing, I'd had it on request at the library for about 6 months, and when it finally came in, I couldn't exactly say, "C...

Le Gardien de phare (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Fyrmesteren (2009)

Taattua Läckbergiä, koko paksu dekkari tuli ahmaistua käytännössä kerralla. Erica ei tässä ole niin ärsyttävä kuin monesti aiemmin ja juoni on hyvä. Loppuratkaisu on ihan alusta asti nähtävillä todella selvästi, mutta vasta ihan viime metreillä lukija (ainakin tämä kyseinen lukija) tajuaa sen, mi...

Fyrmesteren (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Los vigilantes del faro (2009)

My first book by Camilla Lackberg. A bit frustrated that I picked up in the middle of the series, but it wasn't tied in too much to the previous books and made a good story regardless of the separation. I guessed part of the ending, but I tend to do that - it came as en epiphany late at night a...

Los vigilantes del faro (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Vuurtorenwachter (2009)

Maybe I'm getting to be an old hand at Crime Ficiton but I definitely guessed 2 of the "twist" elements to this novel (that being said, they were good twists). However, as with all of Lackberg's novels, my guessing didn't detract from the story. I wish there was more focus on Madeline's history, ...

Vuurtorenwachter (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

Oorlogskind (2007)

This is a very well written book. And the translator did one of the best jobs I've ever read in smoothing out what I consider the stilted rhythm of most Scandinavian-to-English translations.I highly recommend the book - however I can't give it a 5 overall because it didn't make me cry (where it ...

Oorlogskind (2007) by Camilla Läckberg

Il bambino segreto (2007)

What I liked best about this book: the fact that I had absolutely no idea who the perpetrator was. What I liked least: the crimes and the mystery behind them were interesting enough, especially with Second World War background, but I didn't find them that exciting. Or, at least, not as exciting a...

Il bambino segreto (2007) by Camilla Läckberg

Os Diários Secretos (2007)

The Hidden Child is a well plotted story about two connected crimes in the small coastal town of Fjällbacka, Sweden, one committed in 1945, the other in the present day. The tale has two particular strengths: a fairly intricate plot told from multiple perspectives that has depth, resonance, and ...

Os Diários Secretos (2007) by Camilla Läckberg

Las huellas imborrables (2007)

Segreti, ossa vecchie rimaste sepolte troppo a lungo, una storia straziante, ma quando si parla della IIWW e di quello che e' successo, e' fin troppo facile cadere nel patetico...e invece la Lackberg non cade nella trappola, creando un intreccio bello e capace di prendere il lettore.A parte la mo...

Las huellas imborrables (2007) by Camilla Läckberg

A Princesa de Gelo (2009)

رواية بوليسية من الدرجة الأولىحبكة أكثر من رائعة، والكثير من القصص الفرعية الرومانسية والإجتماعية التي أغنت النص كثيراالرواية بتحكي عن كاتبة بتسافر إلى مسقط رأسها بعد موت والديها في حادث سيربتستقر لفترة إلى أن تسوي أمور الجنازة والدفن، في ظل هذه الأثناء بتكون هي أول من يرى جثة صديقتها من أيام الط...

A Princesa de Gelo (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

La princesa de hielo (2009)

I packed this in at 34%. I found it quite boring, repetitive and gloomy and was getting to the stage I wasn't enjoying it. Parts confused me as well. A LOT of differing characters were brought in and then you had the odd cryptic comment about having met before and then nothing else is said which ...

La princesa de hielo (2009) by Camilla Läckberg

La Princesse des glaces (2008)

Move over, Steig Larsson. He's great (I loved his trilogy) but I think I might like this other Swedish writer just as much.I had never heard of Camilla Lackberg, but I stumbled onto this one at the library, saw that it had won an award, and figured I'd give it a try.I was blown away. Actually pre...

La Princesse des glaces (2008) by Camilla Läckberg

La principessa di ghiaccio (2010)

I'd say 3.5 stars, but still, when faced with the choice between 3 and 4, I'll go with three. This was an entertaining read and it was nice to read a crime story placed in a small town in Sweden. I also liked how the people were presented in a lot of detail.That said, at times, I felt that the bo...

La principessa di ghiaccio (2010) by Camilla Läckberg