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Read Series: Hackberry Holland

by Author James Lee Burke


Lay Down My Sword And Shield (2003)

Hackberry Holland, cousin of beloved James Lee Burke hero Billy Bob Holland, made his debut in this novel, Lay Down My Sword and Shield, which was originally published in 1971, and it's now been re-released in trade paperback. Fans can learn about Hack’s colorful history, forged against the backd...

Lay Down My Sword And Shield (2003) by James Lee Burke

Regengötter: Thriller (2014)

I wanted a long read for a long airplane trip... cross the country and back... and Rain Gods provided it. This, I discovered, was the second of three novels featuring now middle aged Sheriff Hack Holland. Burke cuts to the chase in the opening chapter, in which nine young women are massacred, and...

Regengötter: Thriller (2014) by James Lee Burke

Rain Gods (2009)

As good a book as any to see if you like Burke’s style of leisurely, philosophical crime novels. It’s the second in one of his minor series, about an old Korean War vet who is sheriff in a remote Texas county. This one focuses on nine young women massacred and buried in a churchyard as various hi...

Rain Gods (2009) by James Lee Burke