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Read Series: Immortality Bites Mystery

by Author Michelle Rowen


Bled and Breakfast (2013)

Sarah Dearly is frustrating as a heroine. She is impulsive, rushes headlong into situations that have you thinking "This is going to end badly", says what she thinks, and trusts all the wrong people. In short, she's warm, genuine,funny and totally without ulterior motives; exactly what Thierry n...

Bled and Breakfast (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Blood Bath & Beyond (2012)

Blood Bath & Beyond is Michelle Rowen's foray into the mystery world! I love a good paranormal mystery and Victoria Laurie's quote on the cover is what led me to try this one out. It was pretty good, but I guess what threw me off was that while this is a NEW series, it's a spinoff of Michelle's p...

Blood Bath & Beyond (2012) by Michelle Rowen