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Michelle Rowen books

Michelle Rowen
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Read Books by Michelle Rowen


Rencontre avec un Ange (2013)

Dark Kiss is a dark supernatural romance about Stephanie who gets kissed by Stephen, her crush for years in school. But it's not just any kiss, he steals her soul. There is a lot of violence in this book and so many things getting thrown at you. I liked some of the romance that happens because ...

Rencontre avec un Ange (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Dark Kiss (2012)

Angels and demons have to work together to fight soulsucking creatures in a small town, teenage girl gets caught in the middle. Sounds like a good enough premise to make for an entertaining YA read - if it weren't for two things: The pace, which just dragged and dragged for most of the book and, ...

Dark Kiss (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Reign or Shine (2009)

I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much lately. I’ve been busy working and READING. I read three books last week. I get in a cycles where I read nonstop and do almost nothing else. It’s not good for my waistline but still worth it.I read this book in one day after a ten year old I know just fin...

Reign or Shine (2009) by Michelle Rowen

Stakes & Stilettos (2009)

Michelle Rowen - Ein Sarg für zweiBlanvalet Verlag414 Seiten7,95€Lesedauer: 3 TageKurzbeschreibung Buchrücken:Kein Wunder, dass die gerade erst zur Vampirin gewordene Sarah Dearly gerne ihr normales Leben zurück hätte - denn wer will schon beim Vorstellungsgespräch für einen neuen Job gepfählt we...

Stakes & Stilettos (2009) by Michelle Rowen

Nuit de sang (2012)

Gros coup de cœur pour cette urban fantasy à la limite de la paranormal romance, particulièrement à cause de son héros, Declan. Je ne suis pas une passionnée des écorchés vifs qui se traînent moult casseroles mais celui-ci a su me faire changer d'avis. (Peut-être parce qu'il abord un de ces thème...

Nuit de sang (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Gray Kiss (2013)

Well... Not much to say. Though this book was written much better and even the plot improved, it still was seemingly amateur writing, leaving you wondering when it would ever end. The characters are text book examples of angel or demon and rather lacking. Stereo typical snarky demon with good loo...

Gray Kiss (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Wicked Kiss (2013)

Michelle Rowen macht es einem wirklich einfach, wieder in die Geschichte von Samantha zu finden. Bewusst streut sie wichtige Infos und Rückblicke zu "Dark Kiss" ein, so dass man den roten Faden schnell wieder zur Hand hat.Auch dieses Mal verfolgen wir die Geschichte aus der ich-Perspektive von Sa...

Wicked Kiss (2013) by Michelle Rowen

The Demon in Me (2010)

A fun read with an interesting cast of secondary characters to add depth to the story between Darrak and Eden. Darrak is a very dangerous demon with a soft spot for Eden. With his looks and his protective streak, he is swoon-worthy. Eden is not your typical leading lady. She seems like someone...

The Demon in Me (2010) by Michelle Rowen

Tall, Dark & Fangsome (2009)

Sarah Dearly is frustrating as a heroine. She is impulsive, rushes headlong into situations that have you thinking "This is going to end badly", says what she thinks, and trusts all the wrong people. In short, she's warm, genuine,funny and totally without ulterior motives; exactly what Thierry n...

Tall, Dark & Fangsome (2009) by Michelle Rowen

Reign Check (2010)

I am a little more than halfway done with this book and so far I think the best one in the series was hands down the first one. In the second book Nikki is trying to survive high school, friends, family, and learn how to control her inner half-demon. At the start of school word is going around th...

Reign Check (2010) by Michelle Rowen

Soif de sang (2013)

I really enjoyed "Nightshade" by Michelle Rowen and was truly looking forward to "Boodlust." So many times the second book in a series disappoints but I am happy to say this second book was equally as impressive.Jillian and Declan are on the run and living in one lousy motel room after another. A...

Soif de sang (2013) by Michelle Rowen

Bloodlust (2011)

This picks up right where Nightshade left off. Jill, Declan, Mathias, and Noah are out to stop Kristoff from waking, figure out solutions to both Declan's serum problems and the nightshade in Jill's blood. This one had lots of twists and turns and I was surprised at the events that happened. It's...

Bloodlust (2011) by Michelle Rowen

Tall, Dark and Fangsome (2012)

The series ending, was, in a nutshell, awesome! I loved every word, but I was kind of sad to see it end. I've been so much in-tuned with Sarah Dearly that I was definitely hesitant to say goodbye. But, nonetheless, this addition is just as exciting and revealing as all of the others. Readers can...

Tall, Dark and Fangsome (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Verliebt, Verlobt, Verbissen (2010)

Well this book was awesome, I love Michelle rowen books I have to read her other series from this book. I love sarah she so beautiful and at the same time dangerous bc of her nightwalker. Theirry is hot and so sweet to Sarah because he loves her and at the same time he still have a wife. But he w...

Verliebt, Verlobt, Verbissen (2010) by Michelle Rowen

Reign Fall (2012)

I really enjoyed this book but there were some BIG flaws that made this the weakest book in the series so far. The main issues were with the characters. So many times Nikki was REALLY stupid and considering she isn't a stupid character on the whole this really annoyed me. Melinda was also quite i...

Reign Fall (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Blood Bath & Beyond (2012)

Blood Bath & Beyond is Michelle Rowen's foray into the mystery world! I love a good paranormal mystery and Victoria Laurie's quote on the cover is what led me to try this one out. It was pretty good, but I guess what threw me off was that while this is a NEW series, it's a spinoff of Michelle's p...

Blood Bath & Beyond (2012) by Michelle Rowen

Bled and Breakfast (2013)

Sarah Dearly is frustrating as a heroine. She is impulsive, rushes headlong into situations that have you thinking "This is going to end badly", says what she thinks, and trusts all the wrong people. In short, she's warm, genuine,funny and totally without ulterior motives; exactly what Thierry n...

Bled and Breakfast (2013) by Michelle Rowen


But patience wasn’t one of my virtues. Never had been. Frustration on the other hand—that tripped me up every time.     “Sorry about that,” Ethan said when he caught up to me on the sidewalk outside. “Really.”     “He must have heard about my accident. Mayb...

Echoes by Michelle Rowen

Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide

Rose’s relentless grief is enough to clue Lissa in to something she should have recognized a long time ago: Rose and Dimitri are in love. When they finally head back to retrieve the dead, Dimitri’s body isn’t among them. That can only mean a couple of things, but none are good. Rose crosses the w...

Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide by Michelle Rowen

Bled & Breakfast (2013)

Breaking and entering, spell casting, time traveling, kidnapping, getting killed, and now back to time traveling.     I seriously needed a nap.     But here I was, back in Pilgrim times. The town looked just as it had before. It was night. There was a small...

Bled & Breakfast (2013) by Michelle Rowen


We ran past the shifted sewer grate cover, and I snatched the crowbar off the ground. Rogan started toward a door to one of the surrounding buildings. “They’re all locked,” I told him. My ankle cried in pain with every step I took. My hand was sweating, but Rogan clutched it tightly in his as if ...

Countdown by Michelle Rowen

From Fear to Eternity: An Immortality Bites Mystery

A severed head.     A talking severed head!     “Darling,” Veronique said as I zipped past her, “we really must catch up.”     “Absolutely,” I assured her. “Soon. Very soon.”     Soon wasn’t now. I didn’t want to pani...

From Fear to Eternity: An Immortality Bites Mystery by Michelle Rowen

Something Wicked

It was warm out and the sun shone above her. There were palm trees and large pink and purple flowers she could see as she turned around in a circle.She gawked at the nearest palm tree.What the hell just happened?Had she passed out because of the pain? Maybe she couldn’t deal with it anymore.Anoth...

Something Wicked by Michelle Rowen


I pried my eyes open the next day to be greeted with a total déjà vu. There was a tawny-striped cat looking at me. A larger, older version of the kitten from yesterday. “You,” I said. “In the fur.” “Where did you go yesterday? I thought you were going to catch up to me but you never did.” “Sorry....

Familiar by Michelle Rowen

Inevitable (2011)

“A half hour?” she asked. “And this contact of yours is another PARA agent? You’re absolutely sure about that?” “Yes, of course I’m sure.” Xavier pursed his lips as he studied her. “Confidentialities aside, perhaps you might all wish to work together in the future.” While this ruse was good enoug...

Inevitable (2011) by Michelle Rowen

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