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Read Series: It's Not Shakespeare

by Author Amy Lane


Ce n'est pas du Shakespeare (2013)

This book far exceeded my expectations. Not sure what I expected initially but I was impressed with this book. I loved James, Rafael, Marlowe, and Sophie! I love how Sophie set up her Professor with her best friend. The sex was hot. The dialogue was witty and deep. It was nice to see James so in ...

Ce n'est pas du Shakespeare (2013) by Amy Lane

Non è Shakespeare (2013)

Maybe I'm a bit cheap in my rating because I liked the book, I really did, but I didn't really get the conflict. I mean I got the cultural brigde James and Rafi had to build and the sacrifice of lying to Rafi's parents even though eveyone knew what was going on but I didn't really get why Rafael ...

Non è Shakespeare (2013) by Amy Lane

It's Not Shakespeare (2011)

This is an absolute comfort read without the saccharine. James Richards, a college professor, has been kicked hard in the heart and trust zones by a cheating, thieving (now ex) lover. Years later he still has not truly moved on. Rafael Ochoa, absolutely gorgeous, physically and emotionally, is ev...

It's Not Shakespeare (2011) by Amy Lane