First in the John Corey suspense series revolving around a cop in New York City convalescing from bullet wounds. Although, the story actually takes place in Long Island.My TakeOh my god. I swear, if you look up "snark" in the dictionary, you'll find John Corey's picture. He is so incredibly funny...
Second in the John Corey suspense series revolving around a former NYPD detective. This story takes place before the Twin Towers and after the World Trade Center bombing and TWA 800.My TakeThis one was depressing. Oh, Corey is just as snarky as ever...thank god. I do enjoy his brand of humor. You...
I read a page of this book on someone else’s Kindle on a flight a few weeks ago and was intrigued enough by the premise that I bought and read it fairly quickly. Ultimately, that intriguing premise is all the book has to offer, unless you read a book for unfunny dialogue, a grating protagonist, a...
Nelson DeMille is probably my 3rd or 4th favorite author. I've read 5 of his books and have enjoyed them all.I picked up 'The Panther' with high expectations. My expectations were not only met but far surpassed.What can I say? He is the master. He tells great compelling stories. The Panther has n...
Parts of the story were drawn out and then the ending was rushed.Khalil Asad returns to New York to finish what he started 3 years ago. He kills everyone he meets and attempts to kill Kate Mayfield, John Corey's wife. She recovers and John is under protection of the FBI and the ATTF. The whole...
Book #6 in the John Corey Series, a direct sequel to The Lion, takes place in Yemen; pub. 2012. The plot is tissue paper thin, bloated, mostly predictable and, except for the last 60-70 pages, seriously lacking in action and suspense. The object is for John Corey and his wife Kate Mayfield to h...
Another De Mille book. I've not read these in any sequence therefore, John Corey and his Wife are in another pickle with a past foe Asad Kahlil, terrorist supreme, avid killer, and psychopath. Lots of people are dying, killed in many gruesome ways; shooting them being the less gruesome. I woul...