Book #6 in the John Corey Series, a direct sequel to The Lion, takes place in Yemen; pub. 2012. The plot is tissue paper thin, bloated, mostly predictable and, except for the last 60-70 pages, seriously lacking in action and suspense. The object is for John Corey and his wife Kate Mayfield to hunt down a particular terrorist in Yemen. The whole book was painfully, meticulously, and ploddingly moving toward that goal through all the boring aspects of getting there such as paperwork and packing. There was no cat-and-mouse going on between the protagonist and antagonist; they met up at the end of the book and the Panther died. The End. (Listened to the audio book)Well, as often happens, an author with multiple series will eventually merge them. So in The Panther, John Corey and Kate Mayfield meet Paul Brenner. This is really a John Corey book, he's the narrator, which is good, it would be confusing for them both to narrate. But it's nice to see Paul doing well and that they will earn each other's respect.DeMille does a terrific job of setting the scene in Yemen and really explaining how difficult the fight against terrorism is, how the lines blur and how shadowy the whole mess really is. Along the way we get to enjoy Corey's wit (and if you don't like his wit, you won't like the book or series). The only part that doesn't make sense is why his wife, Kate Mayfield stays with him. The major plot points are not much in doubt, it's a formula and there is plenty of foreshadowing, by Corey himself. But that's ok. The point of this book is the background on terrorism, not the action. (of which there is very little.)
What do You think about The Panther (2012)?
Not as good as "The Lion," but delightful nonetheless.
Liked the characters, but way too long...