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Read Series: Kyndred

by Author Lynn Viehl


Blick ins Dunkel (2014)

3.5. I dislike the strand-people-on-an-island plot device, and the stupid delays in communication between groups and the delays in taking out the villain feel forced. The heroine was the closest to an Alexandra clone this series has had: tough chick with medical expertise. The hero was a little t...

Blick ins Dunkel (2014) by Lynn Viehl

Dunkle Berührung (2013)

The writing in this book is solid, and I can see how the story would appeal to many people, however I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. At the end of the previous book, the last in the Darkyn series, a really interesting element was revealed about one of the characters. I thought, "Cool...

Dunkle Berührung (2013) by Lynn Viehl

Dreamveil (2010)

FYI: I read the first in the Darkyn series and then picked up the first two in the Kyndred world as that is what was at my local library :)Also, my review contains SPOILERS!!I was originally very intrigued with the mythology of the books. I loved the idea that vampirism came from a mix of pathog...

Dreamveil (2010) by Lynn Viehl

Shadowlight (2009)

Well this reads nothing like Viehl's Darkyn books. The setup, style, flow is all different. I don't dislike this, it's just not as awesome as the Darkyn books. Also, I was oft confused in this book. There are a ton of POV's in this. Jessa, Matthias, Drew, Rowan, Genaro, Lawson, Samantha & Lucan. ...

Shadowlight (2009) by Lynn Viehl