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Read Series: Larklight

by Author Philip Reeve


Mothstorm (2008)

Christmas is fast approaching, and the Mumbys anticipate a boisterous holiday full of friends and good food. Unfortunately, the holidays are rather spoiled by a beastly little man and his news that something sinister is lurking at the limits of Known Space. So in the Spirit of Adventure, Art, Myr...

Mothstorm (2008) by Philip Reeve

Mothstorm, or the horror from beyond Georgium Sidus! or a tale of two shapers : a rattling yarn of danger, dastardy and derring-do upon the far frontiers of British space! (2009)

This is the final volume in the story of the Mumsbys and their friends - a fitting end i think and a satisfying conclusion - not so much as with the characters - as you may realise from me i will not give anything away - but more of an end of the mysteries - who is this person - what is the histo...

Mothstorm, or the horror from beyond Georgium Sidus! or a tale of two shapers : a rattling yarn of danger, dastardy and derring-do upon the far frontiers of British space! (2009) by Philip Reeve