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Read Series: Percy Jackson & Kane Chronicles Crossover

by Author Rick Riordan


El hijo de Sobek (2013)

This story was released just when I was jonesing for a new Percy Jackson fix. Rick has tantalised us with the possibility of a PJO/Kane crossover by making it clear that the two stories exist in the same world. Ever since I read Uncle Amos talk about the 'other' gods that live in Manhattan I've b...

El hijo de Sobek (2013) by Rick Riordan

O Cajado de Serápis (2014)

Very enjoyable. I need some PJO after the end of the Heroes of Olyumpus. I listened to this one for free on an audiobook on YouTube. The sound quality was noticeably more tinny, but I am just glad I got to listen to it. So it starts with Annabeth on the NYC subway, stepping in cow pies Hera left ...

O Cajado de Serápis (2014) by Rick Riordan

The Son of Sobek (2013)

The Son of Sobekby Rick Riordan The Son of Sobek is an interesting story written by Rick Riordan, to combine the Percy Jackson series and the Kane C(K?)hronicles series. In the story, Carter Kane is searching to kill a crocodile monster, the monster being a son of Sobek (Egyptian god of croc...

The Son of Sobek (2013) by Rick Riordan

The Staff of Serapis (2014)

Esta historia me ha gustado mucho más que El Hijo de Sobek, no digo que el primero fuera malo, también me gustó mucho, pero este me ha gustado más que lo mucho que me gustó el otro. Buee, no importa. Realmente puedes ver la diferencia entre como manejan las cosas los chicos y las chicas, es graci...

The Staff of Serapis (2014) by Rick Riordan