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Read Series: Piemburg

by Author Tom Sharpe


Riotous Assembly (1994)

I have always loved the work of Tom Sharpe (I constantly regret the day I decided not to see him talk at our local library). The man had such a statical and biting wit born from his own person experiences. This book (and its sequel) are perfect examples of his own experiences shaping a story and ...

Riotous Assembly (1994) by Tom Sharpe

Indecent Exposure (1994)

As a satiric take-down of racist white society in arphatide South Africa this is a top rate book, but time is merciless and the book is greatly eroded by homophobia and rape jokes. At one time is probably was the height of yuks to have white policemen raping black women turned into flaming gays t...

Indecent Exposure (1994) by Tom Sharpe