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Read Series: Rescues

by Author Linda Howard


Linda Howard Collection (1992)

HeartbreakerThe ranch she'd inherited was nearly bankrupt, and now Michelle discovered that she was also deeply in debt to John Rafferty, the tough-talking, hard-loving rancher who'd fascinated her since their first meeting years ago. But that fascination also scared her, and never more so than n...

Linda Howard Collection (1992) by Linda Howard

Linda Howard Collection #01: Midnight Rainbow/Diamond Bay (1992)

Midnight Rainbow Was Jane Hamilton Greer just a wealthy socialite in over her head or was she really engaged in espionage that could compromise U.S. interests for years to come? The only certainty was that she was being held captive, and special agent Grant Sullivan was the man to rescue her. Fin...

Linda Howard Collection #01: Midnight Rainbow/Diamond Bay (1992) by Linda Howard

Midnight Rainbow (1996)

Grant Sullivan had been one of the government's most effective agents, and he's agreed to rescue Jane Hamilton Greer, a wealthy socialite possibly engaged in espionage. In the time they spent together, questions of guilt and innocence began to fade against the undeniable reality that two people f...

Midnight Rainbow (1996) by Linda Howard

Diamond Bay (1998)

Now he knew what hell was. Hell was seeing heaven, bright and tender, but being on the outside of the gates, unable to enter them without risking the destruction of what you most treasured. - Kell Sabin --ยป sengaja gw ambil yg versi enggres-nya cuz jatohnya lebih keren ! WkkwkkwkkwkAkhirnya, kesa...

Diamond Bay (1998) by Linda Howard

White Lies (2003)

When Jay Granger's ex-husband is seriously hurt in an accident, she is asked to confirm his identity at the hospital. But the man before her is almost unrecognizable from his injuries. Tentatively she identifies him as Steve Crossfield, the man she was once married to. When he awakens from his co...

White Lies (2003) by Linda Howard