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Read Diamond Bay (1998)

Diamond Bay (1998)

Online Book

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1551663074 (ISBN13: 9781551663074)
mira books

Diamond Bay (1998) - Plot & Excerpts

Now he knew what hell was. Hell was seeing heaven, bright and tender, but being on the outside of the gates, unable to enter them without risking the destruction of what you most treasured. - Kell Sabin --» sengaja gw ambil yg versi enggres-nya cuz jatohnya lebih keren ! WkkwkkwkkwkAkhirnya, kesampaian juga baca kisah ttg si boss misterius-agen mematikan-si momok menakutkan bagi kawan & lawan, Kell Sabin !! \(^o^)/ Ga sia2 baca ni buku paling terakhir, cuz rasa peeeeeenasaran gw semenjak namanya di sebut2 di Heartbreaker, White Lies dan Midnight Rainbow akhirnya terjawab Sabin ini emang keren booo !!!11-12 lah ama si Grant Sullivan - yg untuuuuung masih "manusia" statusnya yaaaaa, bukan "makhluk supranatural", hehehehe....Kisah si Sabin ini bermula ketika Sabin tengah menikmati masa liburannya dg si Wanda - kapal mewah super cuanggeh miliknya, sendirian di tengah lautan.Yah, Sabin kan tipe penyendiri dan anti-sosial, plus....agen kelas wahid inceran byk pihak - mendadak jd keingetan sama si Jason Bourne deh.....So, dg demikian, aktifitas liburan dia pun amat sangat dirahasiakan, hanya 2 org yg tau dimana keberadaan dia saat itu.Ditengah asyik menikmati liburannya, tiba2 Sabin di serang, kapalnya di tembaki, ga berhenti sampe disitu aja, cuz si Wanda sampe di roket bo !!!! Sadis !!!Terluka parah, sabin berjuang untuk menyelamatkan dirinya menuju pantai 'terdekat' yg jaraknya sebenernya ga deket2 amat sih.Hanya tekat yg kuat, pelatihan keras tingkat tinggi, pengalaman dan kemampuan fisik yg terlatih yang bisa membawa Sabin akhirnya sampai ke Diamond Bay - sebuah ceruk pantai kecil di dekat rumah Rachel Jones.Rachel kebetulan tengah berjalan2 di tepi pantai ketika dirinya menemukan Sabin yg sudah dalam keadaan tidak sadar dan kelelahan.Insting mengatakan kalau orang di hadapannya ini bukanlah orang jahat dan Rachel berusaha mati2an menyeret Sabin dari bibir pantai hingga kerumahnya.Rachel kemudian merawat Sabin dg telaten.Ketika ada orang2 asing yang datang mencari si pria misterius, lagi2 insting Rachel mengatakan bahwa justru merekalah agen gadungan dan berbahaya bagi pria yg tengah di tolongnya.Rachel pun berpura2 tidak tahu menahu soal pria yg di cari dan berlagak bodoh.Ada sesuatu dalam diri pria yg di tolongnya yg membuat tubuh Rachel bereaksi lebih bila berada di dekat Sabin yg tak sadarkan diri.Sudah lama Rachel tidak merasakan hal itu semenjak ledakan bom mobil tragis yg merenggut nyawa BB - suaminya yg anggota DEA.Dan ketika Sabin sadar, ketertarikan itu kian menjadi.Dan ternyata Sabin pun mengalami hal yg sama.Terbelah antara komitmen tugas dan wanita yg mulai memenuhi relung hatinya, Sabin berusaha keras melawan perasaannya sementara Rachel secara blak-blak-kan menyatakan perasaannya.Sabin bukannya tidak memperdulikan perasaan Rachel, Sabin hanya takut Rachel akan terluka dan nyawanya terancam bila bersamanya.Dan ketika Sabin memutuskan untuk pergi....Para musuh mengepung rumah Rachel dan menghujaninya dg tembakan mematikan.Sanggupkah Sabin melindungi Rachel dari bahaya ?Well, kisah yg menarik....Apalagi mas Rafferty cameo di sini....Oh ya, dan ada si Joe !!!Untung Rachel py penjaga yg tangguh dan mematikan seperti si Joe !!!!

Midnight Rainbow 02.Kell Sabin 02.Bahia dos Diamantes.Linda Howard.Nova Cultural.Momentos Íntimos 139.1987.Este livro é a continuação de Além do Arco-íris. Mas no decorrer da estória me fez lembrar muito de outro livro da autora, Nevasca, quem tiver a oportunidade de ler, não espere é tão bom quanto este.Vamos ao livro em questão: Rachel é uma louca, tem um instinto de proteção e de sobrevivência fora do comum. Normalmente a autora cria personagens femininos inesquecíveis, fortes, determinados e extremamente femininos. Mas desta vez com a Rachel acho que a L.H. se superou, pq além das características básicas dos personagens femininos da Linda, a mocinha é completamente louca, tem uma imaginação, ou melhor, um sexto sentido agudíssimo.Como se isso tudo não bastasse a maluquete ainda vai se apaixonar pelo sombrio Kell. Um cara mega suspeito, que ela tira do mar quase sem vida. E faz tudo para ajudá-lo se recuperar dos ferimentos. E quando ele melhora e consegue se virar sozinho, a louca fica com ciúme, porque o cara, um estranho, não precisa mais dela.É tudo muito engraçado, se não fosse bizarro. Pelo visto a maluca, queria cuidar do homenzarrão para sempre, principalmente se ele ficasse inerte na cama, para que ela pudesse cuidar dele como se fosse um bebê. Definitivamente Rachel é muito doida...Para finalizar, o epílogo maravilhoso, adorei rever os casais anos depois, cheios de filhos e muito felizes.ADORO!!!RECOMENDADÍSSIMO!!!

What do You think about Diamond Bay (1998)?

I'm leaving my original 5 star rating for Linda Howard's classic romantic suspense in place (assuming that she's blameless in selecting the narrator).This is a rant against the audiobook. Even though I was dismayed (to put it mildly) by narrator Brenda Sweeney's clueless reading of Midnight Rainbow, the first in the Kell Sabin series, I could not stop myself from buying Diamond Bay. Because I freaking LOVE the book. After all, Midnight Rainbow's heroine Jane was written as a very clever girl whose contrived ditziness worked to her advantage so I could almost forgive Sweeney's giving her a village idiot voice. I thought she couldn't possibly misinterpret Diamond Bay's serious and sober Rachel. Rachel -- widow of a murdered DEA agent, former investigative journalist, current college professor and author -- is one of Howard's strongest and most self-sufficient heroines. I thought wrong. I died a little when Sweeney started reading Rachel's lines in Minnie Mouse's voice. Or maybe she was going for Miss Piggy. In any case, she could not have sounded LESS like the Rachel written by Linda Howard. Alas, Sweeney's narrative voice is also age inappropriate. These characters are in their thirties, not quite ready for AARP. Secondary characters are even more awful, especially Rachel's veterinarian friend Honey. She definitely sounds like a muppet.I don't know what the folks at Dreamscape Media are thinking. I think they'd be wise to read the reviews here and at Audible rather than relying on "friend of the narrator" review sites. I'm fairly well pissed at Dreamscape for screwing this up.

Diamond Bay is the second in the Kell Sabin series by Linda Howard. This one takes on a more serious tone, as Kell Sabin is attacked on his much needed vacation. After being shot and blown off his boat, he washes up on the beach. Rachel Jones finds him and manages to get him to her house. After considering all the possibilities of who the man might be, Rachel decides not to call the police or the doctors. She nurses him back to health on her own with the help of a her friend Honey, and her dog, Joe. Rachel was once an investigative reporter and has seen some wild things before. She lost her husband several years back. Once she got the people responsible, she moved back to her grandfather's place, Diamond Bay, and started a new life.Kell and Rachel fall in love, but Kell will not let it go further than the present, getting him well, and safely back to his life. Rachel tried to accept that, but dreads the day when he will leave. Then, Kell gets in touch with Sullivan to help him. Sullivan thinks he got away from Jane, but she followed him. This is when all hell broke loose. Really good stuff. I'm looking forward to the next in this series.

The narration on the audio could have been done a lot better. The main character was a smart 30 yr. old woman, but she made her sound like a ditsy 70 year old.Now the story. I liked the beginning of the book. It was a great read, pretty much until the guy woke up. Then they fell in love in I think the first day and nothing much really happens until the end. Insta love happens in a lot of Howard's books, but this one lacked the character development, witty banter, and memorable events her other books have.

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