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Read Series: Robert Hunter

by Author Chris Carter


Stalkeren (2011)

There s simply nothing else to say but AMAZING!!!!! i love this sort of thing and i find that Carter having previously worked in this area a massive benefit, it adds another dimension to the story. I love the cliff hangers that make you keep reading and i like the relationship between hunter and...

Stalkeren (2011) by Chris Carter

Der Knochenbrecher (2011)

Крис Картър започва да се повтаря. Тази книга е преразказ с елементи на повторение на предните две, но и половината глави са повторение една на друга. Някъде около 20 пъти глава завършва с "той не можа да повярва на очите си" и после 20 страници не се споменава какво пък толкова невероятно е видя...

Der Knochenbrecher (2011) by Chris Carter

Der Vollstrecker (2000)

Inhaltsangabe (Quelle Ullstein Verlag):Ein Priester wird geköpft, seiner Leiche ein Hundekopf aufgesetzt. Eine Frau verbrennt bei lebendigem Leibe in einem verlassenen Haus. Eine weitere wird an den Füßen aufgehängt und in ihrer eigenen Badewanne ertränkt. Detective Robert Hunter und sein Kollege...

Der Vollstrecker (2000) by Chris Carter

Der Kruzifix Killer (2009)

I almost didn’t buy this book: it was in a buy one get one half price and I almost changed it for another, yet I’m glad I didn’t. It is safe to say that I have found myself another series that I am going to be working my way through, keeping my eyes opened for new books.Having recently rekindled ...

Der Kruzifix Killer (2009) by Chris Carter