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Read Series: Sigma Force

by Author James Rollins


The Judas Strain (2008)

Sumatra, año 1293 Marco Polo, su padre y su tío (Los Polo) fueron los primeros en hacer el viaje a China, a su regreso [a Venecia] contaban con una flota de 14 navíos y 600 hombres. En su viaje de regreso, una extraña enfermedad se extendió entre los viajeros y Los Polo se vieron obligados ...

The Judas Strain (2008) by James Rollins

Black Order (2006)

Datos históricos verídicos: En los últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con la caída de Alemania; británicos, americanos, rusos y franceses se dedicaron a saquear la tecnología de los científicos nazis. Muchos científicos fueron asesinados, otros reclutados por Estados Unidos, labora...

Black Order (2006) by James Rollins

Map of Bones (2006)

Being pressed for time at first I thought to wind up this review with a one liner like "Brilliant, Imaginative and a Compelling Read" but the more I thought about it the more I realized this book deserved more than that. We all learn history, some in school and some just because we want to learn ...

Map of Bones (2006) by James Rollins

Sandstorm (2005)

Not nearly as good as I expected...,I read & loved Map of Bones, Rollins most recent release, so I picked up this book thinking it would be just as good. I moved backwards to this predecessor because I had not heard of Rollins before. Mistake!I cannot start a book & not finish it & I don't like t...

Sandstorm (2005) by James Rollins

A Colónia do Diabo (2010)

I don’t really have anything bad to say about it other than the fact that I thought the science was shaky at best. I know it’s a fantasy book and therefore there has to be some suspense of disbelief but I think it was pushed a bit too far in this case. I also thought the part about Sharyn, the re...

A Colónia do Diabo (2010) by James Rollins

The Devil Colony (2010)

I can't say that I enjoyed this one as I have with previous Sigma Force novels. The first half was slow going and not very appealing to my interests. Although the second half picked up a bit, I still didn't end the book with great pleasure. Maybe it was the whole idea of nano-technology and t...

The Devil Colony (2010) by James Rollins