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Read Series: Social Media

by Author J.A. Huss


Block (2000)

Wow!!! This is definitely my favorite book of the series so far! Vaughn and Grace are perfect one moment, and then a mess the next, and the ride J.A. Huss took us on in Block was absolutely amazing.Vaughn and Grace's relationship gets hot, their chemistry is great, and then silence from Vaughn, w...

Block (2000) by J.A. Huss

Profile (2000)

5 stars!!! My favorite so far!!! Also, I love at the end of all her books, she does an End of the book shit. So, I have to tell you Ms. Huss you have my trust and patience. Even though Vaughn was a dick in the beginning, I still liked him. (I love an asshole who turns out to be an ass with a...

Profile (2000) by J.A. Huss

Follow (2014)

I don't even know where to begin. I had really been looking forward to starting this series. First off I'm gonna say that I 100% HATE our H, Vaughn! He's such an asshole! There is NOTHING sexy about his douchey behavior and the things he says! NOTHING! It burns my soul when the h/H hook up but th...

Follow (2014) by J.A. Huss