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Block (2000)

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Block (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Wow!!! This is definitely my favorite book of the series so far! Vaughn and Grace are perfect one moment, and then a mess the next, and the ride J.A. Huss took us on in Block was absolutely amazing.Vaughn and Grace's relationship gets hot, their chemistry is great, and then silence from Vaughn, which causes Grace to go off the deep end when something shows up that she never expected. Reading Grace's drunken tirades were quite hilarious, and I felt bad for the people on the receiving end. Especially Kristi. I am not sure how Kristi plays into everything, but I really do like her character and hope we see more of her in future books in the series.When Vaughn emerges back into Grace's life, things don't go as well as he planned and he gets himself in a sticky situation. My heart was literally thumping reading parts of his encounter with Li. When he tells Grace what he wants, you could see the vulnerability in him, even if Grace didn't, and your heart went out for him.Just when you think things will go great for these two, more secrets are revealed and everything that was so perfect, ends up blowing up!This series is so fast paced, and the characters are just amazing. Vaughn has secrets, and I want to know what happens next, especially after the last paragraph of this book. Go now and add these books to your TBR today, you won't regret it! I'm already a fan of J.A. Huss' writing, and this new series does not disappoint. I have to admit that I am not a fan of waiting for the next book in a series or serial to be published (or the marketing ploy). I was happy to find that although the titles in the series are based on social media, the story is not written in "tweet"/"wall post" format. J.A. Huss does know how to create interesting characters and keep readers riveted as she reveals all their secrets.I loved the character development in Follow, the first of six books. Grace and Vaughn are a mixed bag of all-messed-up, and when they meet the fireworks start. Ms. Huss made me want to like them but not quite be able to. I vacillated between being riveted and disgusted by the choices they made. I am looking forward to reading more about these damaged souls, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an eventual, redemptive HEA.New thoughts after finishing the series:I enjoy JA Huss’ writing. I’ve read many of her books more than once, so signing on for all the pre-orders of this series was not something I was going to pass up. I did wait until the entire series was published before I started reading, and I am really happy with that decision since it is a page turner that kept me up late each night reading until I finished.Huss is the master of outwardly strong but truly fragile and damaged female characters who eventually come into their own. Her men are a beautiful blend of machismo and tenderness. Grace and Vaughn are perfect examples. Grace is strong and weak at the same time. Vaughn attempts to protect his public image and shield his preferences from gossip mongers by awkwardly acting the BDSM Dom replete with contracts and NDAs; while he takes care of his partners financially, the commitment-phobe leaves them (and himself) high and dry emotionally.The interjections of hashtag comments, social media banter and faux pas was a fabulous injection of humor. The depiction of the lavish lifestyle of Hollywood royalty was mind blowing. The segue between books four and five was excellent. The loose inclusion of characters from her other series is fun for long-time fans. For the overall series, the plot was compelling. The pace of the story and character development were perfect. My one disappointment was the uncharacteristic number of typographical errors. Some will see Follow (Social Media #1) as demeaning but it is all about the character introduction and plot set up. If you’re new to JA Huss’ writing, you may not like or even finish Follow (If you are new to this author, you might want to start with her Rook & Ronin series to appreciate her writing). You really have to read the entire Social Media series to appreciate the ride. Is it totally redemptive? I’m not telling. Is there an HEA? You’ll have to read all six books to find out. Is it a standard romance? Definitely not. There is a strong romance aspect to it, but what Huss does really well is thriller/suspense with a romance parallel.

What do You think about Block (2000)?

they are so good together...can't wait to see how this ends up...keep reading...

I can't seem to get enough of Vaughn and Grace! Great series!

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