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Read Series: Sovereign Stone

by Author Margaret Weis


Guardians of the Lost (2002)

No, I'm not referring to my role as parent to two college students. Rather, the title of this entry, Guardians of the Lost, is the second novel in a fantasy trilogy, the "Soverign Stone Trilogy" by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. These authors will probably forever be known for their authorshi...

Guardians of the Lost (2002) by Margaret Weis

Journey Into the Void (2004)

It has been almost 10 years since I read the second installment of the Sovereign Stone trilogy. So, to return to Loerem was a treat. The darkness from the first two installments came back to mind. I thought that Weis and Hickman had done an excellent job of keeping the series quite dark. The ...

Journey Into the Void (2004) by Margaret Weis

Well of Darkness (2001)

The Well of Darkness focuses on main characters that would be considered evil in a standard medieval fantasy setting. Although, the authors have made subtle differences such as orks being a giant sea-faring race rather than being green-skinned monsters. The authors have decided to begin the story...

Well of Darkness (2001) by Margaret Weis