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Read Journey Into The Void (2004)

Journey Into the Void (2004)

Online Book

3.82 of 5 Votes: 4
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0061020591 (ISBN13: 9780061020599)
harper voyager

Journey Into The Void (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

It has been almost 10 years since I read the second installment of the Sovereign Stone trilogy. So, to return to Loerem was a treat. The darkness from the first two installments came back to mind. I thought that Weis and Hickman had done an excellent job of keeping the series quite dark. The story was interesting and was brought to a close. But I cannot say that it was done in the best manner. It felt as if the majority of the third installment continued to open up the story line rather than pulling the drawstrings together. And that would have been fine had there been another installment. Alas, the closure was abrupt. Really, it felt as if the authors were more focused on character development rather than story. For a great novel, you need both. Nevertheless, I enjoyed returning to Weis and Hickman's storytelling. I have been away far too long. My rating of 4 stars really has to do with the authors' credibility and not so much this novel. Solely rating the novel would have garnered it a 3. If I focused on all the editing errors...2.5.

Sometimes I wonder why the book titles I read could double for the state of our society Into the Void is the third and final book of the "Sovereign Stone" fantasy trilogy by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman. As I mentioned when I wrote about the second book, this trilogy is not part of the Dragonlance milieu but somewhat similar in that it is set in a D&D style world. SPOILER ALERT: I don't normally do this but it sums up my feelings for the series so I have

What do You think about Journey Into The Void (2004)?

Hoewel ik de trilogie wou uitlezen, heb ik er toch zeer lang (meer dan een jaar) over gedaan om Reis Voorbij Het Einde te lezen EN uit te lezen. Om een lang verhaal kort te houden: De laatste hoofdstukken waren wel interessant om lezen, maar ik vond het einde, o.a. toen Dagnarus doodgestoken werd door K'let, een beetje dunnetjes. En ik ben blijkbaar niet de enige die dat vindt.Precies of W&H hadden niet zoveel inspiratie meer en hebben er dan maar wat van gemaakt. Ook de dialogen waren niet

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