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Read Series: The Apprenticeship Of Victor Frankenstein

by Author Kenneth Oppel


Such Wicked Intent (2012)

I loved the first book so much, except Elizabeth. I found her extremely aggravating. Now, I think that Victor is starting to get on my nerves because of his attraction to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is even worse in Such Wicked Intent that I want to scream and throw the book against the wall because of ...

Such Wicked Intent (2012) by Kenneth Oppel

Ein dunkler Wille: Das Schicksal der Brüder Frankenstein (2013)

I liked this one more than the first book. Weirdly makes me want to read a little about necromancy, just for scientific purposes - I have no intention of raising anyone, but I think it would be an interesting subject to read about. I found Victor a very compelling character, especially since at t...

Ein dunkler Wille: Das Schicksal der Brüder Frankenstein (2013) by Kenneth Oppel

Un objetivo perverso (2014)

Una agradable y sorprendente Sorpresa la que me lleve al recibir este libro por parte de Alfaguara Infantil y Juvenil, NUNCA había escuchado sobre este libro ni lo había visto en alguna estantería, así que al recibirlo me llamo muchísimo la atención y quería leerlo porque me intrigaba que en la p...

Un objetivo perverso (2014) by Kenneth Oppel

Una Oscura Obsesión (2013)

Well, this book was certainly interesting....and disturbingly entertaining.This Dark Endeavor is a sort-off "retelling/prequel" to the famous Frankenstein. We follow Victor Frankenstein, who's trying to find the elixir of life, a cure for his brother's illness. I really liked the book. It was gri...

Una Oscura Obsesión (2013) by Kenneth Oppel

This Dark Endeavour (2011)

I thought that this book was really amazing. I just love how the author took a story that we all know, and added a twist that made it so interesting, and not just the same old boring story. I thought that it was really well written. I couldn't stop reading it, and I loved every second that I w...

This Dark Endeavour (2011) by Kenneth Oppel