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Read Series: The Coincidence

by Author Jessica Sorensen


The Certainty of Violet and Luke (2014)

Great conclusion to a nail-biting series!The Certainty of Violet & Luke is the third and final installment by New York Times best-selling author, Jessica Sorensen, in the Violet and Luke saga. The book seamlessly picks up where The Probability of Violet & Luke left off, and barrels toward a satis...

The Certainty of Violet and Luke (2014) by Jessica Sorensen

The Certainty of Violet & Luke (2000)

This story was captivating from beginning to end! You want life to get better for Luke and Violet! When they finally arrest Mira Price I cheered. Then Mira's taunting of Violet while she is identifying Mira in the police line up by singing the song that she sang the night Violet's parents were...

The Certainty of Violet & Luke (2000) by Jessica Sorensen

The Resolution of Callie and Kayden (2000)

I have been a huge Jessica Sorensen fan for a long time. The Coincidence series if one of my all time favorites of hers. Callie & Kayden's story has had a ton of heart ache and these young characters have had to overcome so much. The Resolution delivers us with the perfect ending for these two br...

The Resolution of Callie and Kayden (2000) by Jessica Sorensen

The Resolution of Callie & Kayden (2000)

CRISTINA'S REVIEW - 4 StarsI was very happy when I found out that Jessica Sorensen wrote another book about Callie and Kayden. Although the last book about them (The Redemption of Callie & Kayden, Coincidence #2) left us with the ugly truths coming out I felt that so many things were left unresol...

The Resolution of Callie & Kayden (2000) by Jessica Sorensen

The Probability of Violet and Luke (2014)

Después de descubrir la verdad y Violet huir con Preston su vida está incluso peor que antes. Preston tiene menos paciencia y el pago para compensarlo es cada vez mayor, y lo peor es que Violet ya no puede suprimir su dolor tan fácil como lo hacía antes de conocer a Luke, sin embargo la vida de L...

The Probability of Violet and Luke (2014) by Jessica Sorensen

The Destiny of Violet and Luke (2014)

This is going to be a bit if a rent.Okay, a lot of a rent.You have been warned.I didn't write anything about the first two books in the series which don't actually matter when it comes to my opinion about this book so I won't bore you with the gory details. I really liked the coincidence, not so ...

The Destiny of Violet and Luke (2014) by Jessica Sorensen

La coincidencia de Callie y Kayden (2013)

Loving this book so far A very sweet story with a twist in the middle that ultimately ends in a happy bliss.

La coincidencia de Callie y Kayden (2013) by Jessica Sorensen

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (2013)

Story flowed well.... Speedy read that I couldn't put down!! THAT ENDING. NO. NO. NO.(on another note, kayden is book boyfriend #768 *adds to list*)

The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden (2013) by Jessica Sorensen

The Probability of Violet & Luke (2000)

I don't know if it's possible for things to get worse for these two. I seriously do not know. They have gone through so much and it's hard for me to imagine them ending up in even more trouble that they did here. Especially Violet. She's definitely got a lot to deal with and Luke, well, he's real...

The Probability of Violet & Luke (2000) by Jessica Sorensen

The Redemption of Callie & Kayden (2013)

Mmm no supera al primero. A mi siempre me gustó más el segundo libro de todas las series que he leído, pero en este caso me quedo con the coincidence. El libro es bonito, porque ayuda a comprender lo que pasa en las cabezas de Callie y Kayden; sobre todo en la de Kayden. Espero que sus papás y Ca...

The Redemption of Callie & Kayden (2013) by Jessica Sorensen

The Destiny of Violet & Luke (2014)

Klappentext/Inhalt:Drogen, Vernachlässigung, Missbrauch ? Violet Hayes hat schon viel erlebt. Als sie aufs College geht, will sie all das hinter sich lassen, aber die Vergangenheit holt sie immer wieder ein. Um nicht verletzt zu werden, gibt sie sich tough und wahrt Distanz. Doch dann trifft sie ...

The Destiny of Violet & Luke (2014) by Jessica Sorensen

The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden (2000)

This book is an amazing read about two totally different people meeting and trying to heal each other. I am a really emotional person and this book took me on an emotional roller coaster. It had ups and downs and complete turn-a rounds. Although there were somethings that were really confusing at...

The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden (2000) by Jessica Sorensen