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Read Series: The Floating Outfit

by Author J.T. Edson


Sidewinder (1990)

The Big Bend Country was about to explode in a bloody war with the Comanche Nation, and only the Floating Outfit's pehnane-a hide-tough Texas kid who wore moccasins instead of boots-could stop Sidewinder's war band!

Sidewinder (1990) by J.T. Edson

The Ysabel Kid (1989)

In this first book of the Floating Outfit series the three core members of the of outfit meet for the first time. It directly follows J.T.'s Civil War series, most of which follow Dusty's career though the Ysabel Kid features in a few of the Belle Boyd titles. Dusty is sent to Mexico to bring bac...

The Ysabel Kid (1989) by J.T. Edson

Goodnights Dream (1980)

A big country needs a big dream, and Charles Goodnight had one. He planned to drive cattle all the way to Kansas, where they would bring enough money to help rebuild war-torn Texas.A gang of yellow-bellied yankees had a different dream. They planned to stop him! So Goodnight asked for the help of...

Goodnights Dream (1980) by J.T. Edson

The Fortune Hunters (1990)

Dusty Fog and his men have to round up a rich dead man's friends and relatives and bring them to the old home place for the reading of his will. But this is no reunion, or even a wake--it's an all-out shootout. Because, according to the will, the last one alive inherits everything!

The Fortune Hunters (1990) by J.T. Edson