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Read Series: The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries

by Author L.J. Smith


Nesatul (The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #3) (2000)

Did you know that Nina Dobrev is from Bulgaria like me? I've read the first two books and they were good. Can't wait to read this one.

Nesatul (The Vampire Diaries: Stefan's Diaries #3) (2000) by L.J. Smith

Prokletí (2012)

Forse il migliore di questa mini-serie per ora. Good book I loved the first two in the new VD series and this one is equally as good

Prokletí (2012) by L.J. Smith

L'irrésistible désir (2011)

New York, New York. Mesto, ktoré nikdy nespí. Práve sem zamieril Stefan po tom, čo na konci predchádzajúceho dielu vyslobodil Damona, ktorý mu túto službu oplatil tým, že zabil Callie. A vraj vaši súrodenci sú nevďační.Stefan sa snaží začať nový život. Žije v malej jaskyni uprostred Central parku...

L'irrésistible désir (2011) by L.J. Smith

Strane creature (2011)

Už nějakou dobu sleduju seriál Upíří deníky, které ale mimochodem značně ztratily svoji počáteční kvalitu, takže na ně koukám už asi jenom ze zvyku. Tahle série je jakousi předsérií deníků, takže když jsem narazila na první díl, řekla jsem si - proč se do toho nepustit?Jako většina knih od L.J. S...

Strane creature (2011) by L.J. Smith

Tiene minulosti (2012)

ako dobre táto séria začala, tak ide teraz dole kopcom, začínam mať pocit, akoby to bolo už na jedno kopyto, záhadné vraždy, Stefan podozrieva Damona, ten to samozrejme neurobil a hoci svojho bračeka z duše neznáša (alebo sa tak aspoň celý čas tvári) na konci mu pomôže zo šlamastiky a zachráni mu...

Tiene minulosti (2012) by L.J. Smith

Stopy minulosti (2012)

the ending was quite sad, how she changed and all :( I have and enjoyed the all books in the series, they teach you more about the characters.

Stopy minulosti (2012) by L.J. Smith

L’Éventreur (2012)

Endlich hat Stefan seinen Frieden gefunden. Er arbeitet auf einem Gutshof und genießt sein ruhiges Leben. Doch der Frieden wird jäh zerstört, denn ein Mörder treibt sein Unwesen in Londons Straßen, der Ripper. Stefan beginnt damit Nachforschungen anzustellen, die nicht nur sein Leben in Gefahr br...

L’Éventreur (2012) by L.J. Smith

Spintecătorul (2012)

Fast paced easy read that is generally entertaining, though some of the vampire details don't make sense to me. Would a vampire really have stubble on their face or need to shave? Why would his muscles ache also? Some of that stuff doesn't add up with my general knowledge of vampire fiction but o...

Spintecătorul (2012) by L.J. Smith

The Ripper. by L.J. Smith (2012)

Pamiętniki Stefano - Uciekinier It's just great, proves my point that damion is the greatest villain character ever.

The Ripper. by L.J. Smith (2012) by L.J. Smith

Manipulés (2012)

The Compelled is the sixth and final novel in the Stefan's Diaries series, which is a spin off series loosely based on the Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith. Non Spoiler Synopsis:This novel sees Stefan and Cora trying to get Damon back from the evil vampire Samuel. The pair enlist the help of a coven...

Manipulés (2012) by L.J. Smith

The Compelled. by L.J. Smith (2012)

Love it Loved it n I hope Mrs. Smith comes out w/ some more in this series

The Compelled. by L.J. Smith (2012) by L.J. Smith

The Compelled (2012)

Seriál Upíří deníky, na nichž je tahle série založena, jsem přestala sledovat skoro před rokem a vydrželo mi to až doteď. Dřív se mi to líbilo, ale potom z toho tvůrci začali dělat šílenou slátaninu a už se na to nedalo dívat. Nicméně Stefanovy deníky jsem si i tak docela oblíbila, hlavně asi pro...

The Compelled (2012) by L.J. Smith

The Craving (2011)

Well, it's always good to watch or read about Damon's devious plans :) I like how this guy enjoys doing evil stuff. I could picture Ian Somerhalder's baby blue eyes and his lovely devious smile in every single page. What drove me mad while reading the book was how it's somehow different from the ...

The Craving (2011) by L.J. Smith

The Ripper (2011)

These books are like junk food and it's faintly ridiculous that they even exist.Bit of a mindfuck that there are four Vampire Diaries canons...The original books as written and continued (as fanfiction) by the real LJ Smith.The original books as started by the real LJ Smith and continued by the g...

The Ripper (2011) by L.J. Smith