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Spintecătorul (2012)

Online Book

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Spintecătorul (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Fast paced easy read that is generally entertaining, though some of the vampire details don't make sense to me. Would a vampire really have stubble on their face or need to shave? Why would his muscles ache also? Some of that stuff doesn't add up with my general knowledge of vampire fiction but otherwise this is a fun series, a little melodramatic but I would expect nothing less from the VD writers. Nail-bitingly intense and exciting this is a book with bite! As a huge fan of the extremely popular Vampire Diaries television drama series, I was also keen to get ‘stuck-into’ L.J Smith’s book series (of the Vampire diaries and Stefan’s diaries). Beautifully blending paranormal themes with a fresh, contemporary feel ‘The Vampire Diaries’ books are current and classy within this highly competitive genre. If you enjoy Young Adult fiction with a darkly sinister, spinechilling twist then I highly recommend both the TV series and the books that began the world-wide love affair with Vampirism! Volume four of Stefan’s Diaries (the ripper) focuses on his relationship with his brother, whom he last saw over twenty-years ago along with haunting memories of mystic falls. However, when news from London reaches Stefan about a brutal killer on the loose (aka. Jack the Ripper), the only suspect in Stefan’s mind is that of a Vampire…and one with a deadly bite and lust for blood…this is an intense, heartrending tale of brotherly bonds amid electric tension and heated conflict. It is certainly reminiscent of those family tensions and dramas, for as the saying goes...“Blood runs thicker than water”Full of shocking drama, unfolding secrets and suspense this has to be one of my favorites of Stefan’s Diaries (Origins, Bloodlust & the craving). With a touch of the danger similar to that from Twilight Saga: in the form of Nomadic Vampires, with a creepy feeling of foreboding as the tension rises, this is a book that will have you glued to the pages with anticipation. I love how the books have covers of the television series and those actors whom we see as those distinctive characters within the books, which make it all the more striking. The Vampire Diaries are an exceptional series and so I cannot praise them enough!!

What do You think about Spintecătorul (2012)?

Sériu Stefanove denníky, ktorá je voľne vytvorená podľa seriálového spracovania, som si už v minulosti obľúbil. Príbeh bratov Salvatore ma zaujal a nebolo tomu inak ani v prípade štvrtej časti, v ktorej ich opäť dostihne minulosť, tentokrát v podobe vraha, ktorý sa zameriava na mladé dievčiny. A jeho charakteristika sa každým dňom viac a viac podobá na upíra. Mohlo by sa zdať, že ním je Damon. Ale... bude to naozaj on? Kniha sa - podobne ako predošlé - drží určitej dejovej línie, zväčša problému, ktorý musia bratia vyriešiť. Od tretej časti uplynulo dvadsať rokov a tak, ako sa zmenilo Stefanove pôsobisko, zmenil sa aj jeho charakter. Už nie je krvilačná bytosť, ktorá zabíja ľudí. Rolu si totiž vymenil so svojím bratom Damonom, ktorý neodolal túžbe po ľudskej krvi. Oceňujem motív Tieňov minulosti, ktoré boli naozaj pútavo a dobre napísané. Mal som len jedinú výhradu - ja osobne som vraha uhádol hneď vo chvíli, keď sa v spoločnosti predstavil. Stefan sa naviaže na Violet, nové dievča, ktoré bude ďalšou v poradí, ktorá ho privedie do rozpakov. V skutočnosti však len hľadá svoju stratenú sestru a do spoločnosti zavíta vo vymyslenej identite. Nemôžem povedať, že by som si ju nejako obľúbil či naopak ju nemal rád - na niečo podobné sa v príbehu vyskytovala príliš krátko.Štvrtá časť Stefanových denníkov - Tiene minulosti, je príjemným oddychovým čítaním, ktoré zhltnete za jedno popoludnie, keďže sa číta ľahko a plynulo a nemusíte sa nad ním príliš zamýšľať. Mne sa páčilo, aj keď bolo mierne predvídateľné.Ani sme sa nenazdali a vo Vydavateľstve Fragment o chvíľu vyjde už ďalšia časť - piata a zároveň predposledná - s pozdnázvom Úkryt. V kníhkupectvách ju hľadajte už 4.februára.

Tying historical events into a work of fiction can be tricky, but Smith's choice of Jack the Ripper works to her advantage because there was never any conclusive verdict on who the murderer was. There were many suspects (both popular at the time, and in current speculation), but having a vengeful vampire as the real Ripper is highly realistic (if one suspends belief in the supernatural). Not only are vampires often violent towards victims, they tend to prey on the same demographic as Jack the Ripper (those from the underbelly of society) and their survival mechanism hinges on not getting caught. Jack the Ripper must have also planned his attacks carefully (or been really lucky) since he seems to enjoy the same anonymity as do vampires during his murder spree.

Good book, but the tv show is much better with hot boys :P



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