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Read Series: Touch

by Author Cara Dee


Daddy's Touch (2000)

I loved Nicholas even though the development of his relationship with Kayla comes before the end of his vanilla relationship, you automatically sympathize with him. He's had to deny his Daddy Dom tendencies in order to be with his vanilla girlfriend Amanda. She's a real gem, and you can tell that...

Daddy's Touch (2000) by Cara Dee

Look But Don't Touch (2000)

Let me begin by saying that I'm glad the title of this book was changed from "Daddy's Touch" to "Look But Don't Touch". The original title brought about ideas of incest and while the story itself may hint at it, it is done in the realm of intimate role-playing.This was a really well-written nove...

Look But Don't Touch (2000) by Cara Dee

Touching Smoke (2012)

Ever go to read a book and get so drawn in that you cannot put it down ~ Well, that was me with this book. I started to read this book one evening while with the family, they were quickly ignored as Fallon's life on the run quickly took hold of my attention. Her mother never told her why they wer...

Touching Smoke (2012) by Airicka Phoenix

Deadly Little Lessons (2012)

I have enjoyed this series, and I find Deadly Little Lessons to be a satisfying ending to the series all though I would have preferred more. The story begins with a bang. From the very first page a shocker is revealed. I did find the story lost me a bit after that shocker until the middle of the ...

Deadly Little Lessons (2012) by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Deadly Little Voices (2011)

I liked this one. It was just enough confusing that I had NO idea who Jack and Jill were, and I was glad that it ended up being not the person it was hinted to be all along. The only problem I have with these books is that apparently everyone in Freetown is a stalker?! It's ridiculous really. Nev...

Deadly Little Voices (2011) by Laurie Faria Stolarz

Deadly Little Games (2010)

Ah. Odié la actitud de Camelia, tipo que no le bastaban suficientes psicópatas en su vida y va queriendo ayudar al enemigo de su novio.Ben también me desesperó, eso de no decirle a Camelia lo que veía me frustraba mucho.Spoiler¿¡Y eso de tomarse un tiempo!? Vaya porqueria, bien parece que les gus...

Deadly Little Games (2010) by Laurie Faria Stolarz