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Read Series: Tudor Rose

by Author Susan Wiggs


At the Queen's Summons (2009)

(...)Gostei muito mais deste livro do que estava à espera. Acho que grande parte da razão disso ter acontecido está relacionado com o facto de a personagem principal não vir de famílias importantes. Era uma rapariga habituada a ser um rato de esgoto e a que todos a olhassem de lado, sendo que qua...

At the Queen's Summons (2009) by Susan Wiggs

The Maiden's Hand (2009)

This second novel is very nice but I had to start some time after I had finished reading the other. I do not know why, novels are enjoyable, a lot, but then finished reading, I can not start the next in the trilogy! In this novel, I can still say that I really liked the male lead that I found ver...

The Maiden's Hand (2009) by Susan Wiggs

In nome dell'amore (2010)

The first novel in this trilogy was interesting. This one (the secoond), however was just a touch of fluff. The historical references were minimal, and character development lacked. I did piece together the best quote of book one. Juliaana sees an older gentleman holding a bay girl. She inq...

In nome dell'amore (2010) by Susan Wiggs