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Read At The Queen's Summons (2009)

At the Queen's Summons (2009)

Online Book

3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
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0778326888 (ISBN13: 9780778326885)

At The Queen's Summons (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

(...)Gostei muito mais deste livro do que estava à espera. Acho que grande parte da razão disso ter acontecido está relacionado com o facto de a personagem principal não vir de famílias importantes. Era uma rapariga habituada a ser um rato de esgoto e a que todos a olhassem de lado, sendo que quando Aidan a "adota" acaba por criar uma verdadeira afinidade com este porque nota que ele se preocupada verdadeiramente com ela, algo que nunca lhe tinha acontecido. Além disso Pippa é uma pessoa divertida, sendo que há piadas durante todo o livro, muitas delas devido a esta personagem. Acho que o único traço na personalidade de Pippa que não gostei foi a adoração, por muitas vezes excessiva, que esta tinha por Aidan. É que inicialmente temos o retrato de uma pessoa independente, que não confia facilmente em outros e esse retrato é totalmente alterado na presença de Aidan, não tendo sido algo gradual mas repentino, o que me fez um pouco de confusão.(...)Opinião completa em

Susan Wiggs weaves a wonderful witty and intricate story. I love all of the characters and their interactions. Even though you know in your heart what is going to happen (I like that it has a happy ending) you cannot wait to see how things are going to happen. I cannot put it down once I start. I love Pippa, her strength and logical head. I did feel that the end happened to abruptly. I would have liked to have more details another chapter maybe. I think there was more to tell.There is some intimacy portrayed.

What do You think about At The Queen's Summons (2009)?

The final book in the Tudor Rose series. It was a bit predictable but still a good read. Pippa is a street performer who gets into a major pickle. She is released into the care of Aidan (an Irish lord awaiting the queen's summons). He cant help falling for Pippa's quirky ways and learns of her abandonment at a young age and the need to find out who here family is. Once finally summoned by the queen Aidan and Pippa arrive at court. All seems to be going well until Aidan is captured and put into t

This book was possibly the most underwhelming of the 3, as a series, I didn't find the books very compelling, and this was probably the worst of the three. The Irish flair was mildly amusing, but the implausibility of Pippa's estrangement from her family was just tedious. Additionally, the reader was again confronted with the aging of previous couples in these books, and I prefer to imagine my romance couple living forever-call me naive if you must. Ultimately there are better romance books out there, though admittedly I haven't come across too many that were based at this same time period. Again, not a good enough reason to pick up this book. My excuse is that I was at a Border's going out of business sale and there was an insane discount.

I liked this final book in the series. It was nice to see the characters from books past show up again, and get an update on their lives years later. My only gripe with the story is that more than once Pippa asks herself if Aiden really loves her. It's obvious that he does...actions do speak louder than words. However, like Pippa, I wanted him to say those three little magic words, and was really disappointed when, on the last page, he still hadn't said them.

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