Kalau seri buku yang ini, sudah lama mulai membacanya tetapi memutuskan berhenti di tengah-tengah karena terkena serangan depresi buku yang sempat membuat buku semenarik apapun jadi terasa hambar dibaca sampai akhirnya beberapa hari lalu tanpa sengaja kembali menemukan file buku ini di tablet dan...
3.5 I would read the rest of this series, but the books are ridiculously overpriced.
This was the very enjoyable story of Rajmund and Sarah. Rajmund is second-in-command to crazy Krystoff and is Master of Manhattan. It seems that these vamps go a bit nutty after being alive for too long. Understandable I suppose.We met Sarah briefly at the end of book 2; she is a friend of Cyn...
Incredible. Its hard to believe this isn't an established author. One with many novels under her belt, not just the 2 this book is the 2nd of. Unbelievably great writing. The characters are stronger, as is the world and continuing story line. Love where these 2 first books have gone and eagerly w...