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Read Series: Walt Longmire

by Author Craig Johnson


Death Without Company (2007)

”A life without friends means death without company. (Adiskidegabeco bizita, auzogabeko heriotza.)”--Basque Proverb.One thing that Walt Longmire will never be short of are friends. He also will never have to look far to find an enemy either, but when your bestfriend is a Cheyenne warrior named He...

Death Without Company (2007) by Craig Johnson

The Cold Dish (2006)

A group of friends and I have something that we like to call Forced Book Reads, where we each choose a book and make the whole gang read it. (Or at least they have to if they want the others to read THEIR book.) For my selection, I went with Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig, and now it's my friend Chri...

The Cold Dish (2006) by Craig Johnson

Hell Is Empty (2011)

Read as an audiobook for the car. This installment in the Longmire series is more adventure than traditional whodunnit, but still a good read for the characters and the mix of comedy in the midst of drama and suspense. I had mentioned to a fellow Longmire TV fan online that if the series (now c...

Hell Is Empty (2011) by Craig Johnson

Enfants de poussière (2012)

This is #4 in the Walt Logmire series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much more than I did the previous novel. Craig Johnson was back in form in this novel as Walt has to deal with his personal demons from his time in Vietnam. I enjoyed the back and forth settings, from Walt's experiences in Vietn...

Enfants de poussière (2012) by Craig Johnson