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Read Series: Wyoming

by Author Johanna Lindsey


Savage Thunder (2003)

Bintang 5Buku ke2 seri Wyoming.Terenyuh, sakit hati, dan sedih. Itulah yg kurasakan saat membaca 2 bab awal buku ini.Bagaimana tidak, Colt Hunter alias White Hunter, teman dekat Jessie (baca buku pertama) yg berdarah campuran setengah Indian-kulit putih, harus mengalami pencambukan yg hampir mere...

Savage Thunder (2003) by Johanna Lindsey

Brave the Wild Wind (1984)

This was an intense book for me, and one that reread frequently growing up. The start of the story really sucks you right into the story. Jessie's father beats her mother Rachel within an inch of her life, because he sees a black-haired women in bed with another man, and thinks it's his wife, w...

Brave the Wild Wind (1984) by Johanna Lindsey