Freya The Huntress (Europa #2: A Dark Fantasy) - Plot & Excerpts
ReunionFreya sat outside the water mill listening to Erik gasp for breath and pound on the floor inside. She glanced inside once to check on him, and saw the inhuman expression on his face. It was a face stretched beyond a man’s capacity to understand pain, a face that wanted to scream but never could, a face on the edge of madness and far, far beyond despair.It was a face she needed to forget.Time passed. The stream gurgled by, the mill paddles creaked, and gradually the noises inside the mill died down until even her keen fox ears, which were now much larger than before, could no longer hear anything above the gentle whispering of Erik’s breathing. She rose to her feet, set her cold steel spear aside, and went back inside the mill.This time the figure on the floor was Erik, the real Erik, her Erik. He stretched across the cold earth, pale and naked, his muscles quivering and limbs shaking. Her eyes darted downward and saw that he had indeed been fully restored. The only differences she could see were the hairy ears standing up through his heavy, matted blonde hair, but the sight only made her smile.
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