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Read Galactic North (2007)

Galactic North (2007)

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0441015131 (ISBN13: 9780441015139)
ace hardcover

Galactic North (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

While I'm still working through the audio of Redemption Ark I thought I might check out some of the Rev Space short stories he published earlier in this collection.I'm glad I decided to read these in publication order because there is some crossover between the stories as well as the the two shorts in Diamond Dogs Turquoise Days. I was able to appreciate cameo appearances from characters who were written earlier which would otherwise just appeared random. I think this is an excellent collection for fans of the Revelation Space series. Some of the shorts serve as origin stories for characters in the main series. Others just concentrate on one concept from the series and add a bit of extra detail.Reynolds demonstrates he can write in the short story format, never trying to do too much and always adding his signature twist - which usually involves his characters revealing that they are someone totally different to who you thought they were. He does it a lot but he still gets me every time.A must read for fans and it's 4 stars overallDilation SleepOff to a good start. This isn't the first book in the collection but I'm going in publication order. The story is set on a star ship carrying 900 refugees escaping the melding plague on Yellowstone. Travelling at near light speed, passengers and crew are all placed in reefer sleep until the ship's surgeon is woken by the computerized sub persona to handle an emergency. What's weirder than being the only person out of 900 awake? When you're alone with something else awake with you. This one has a very nice twist in the end. 4/5 starsA Spy in EuropaAn assassin/covert operative of the Gilgamesh Isis faction is sent deep into Demarchy territory to retrieve a package from a sleeper agent. Things go according to plan. The question is, what and whose plan? Murder and mayhem ensue from the Hanging cities above Europa's surface to the Oceans below Europa's kilometre thick Ice. 3/5 starsGalactic NorthPirates ambush an Ultra Lighthugger and steal some of its cargo of cryogenically frozen sleepers. What ensues is a space chase that spans 40000 years of future history. Not bad for a short story. A tale of betrayal, revenge, and obsession against the backdrop of humanity's struggle for survival. The story also includes Remontoire who enters the main series in Redemption Ark. 3.5/5 starsThe Great Wall of MarsThis covers the backstory of Nevil Clavain's defection to the Conjoiners. We are introduced to Galiana, Felka, Sandra Voi (Great Grandmother to the Sandra Voi in Redemption Ark) and we see Remontoire again. Of course we also learn what the Great Wall of Mars is and it was generally cool to learn more of the history hinted at in Redemption Ark. Also cool were the robotic killer worms.And have you ever wondered how you might survive 5000 gees of deceleration? Easy. Just install a few machines in your head and 'If you allow it, there’s time for them to establish a structural web across your brain. We’ll flood the cabin with foam. We’ll all die temporarily, but there won’t be any damage they can’t fix...Sign me up! 4/5 starsGlacialClavain, Galiana and Felka explore the century old ruins of a human outpost on an Ice planet. As they investigate to uncover the mystery behind the bizarre deaths of the colonists they discover the planet is not quite as dead as they first thought. 3.5/5 starsWeatherIt's Ultra vs Ultra as the Lighthugger Petronel is stalked by pirates. Space battles, unrequited love and a startling revelation about the Conjoiner drives that you won't find in the main series. 4/5 starsGraffenwalder's BestiaryGraffenwalder is a collector of rare and hideous species of animals...and maybe things that are more human than animal. But he's not the only one around Yellowstone with a fascination for the bizzare. Graffenwalder has competition in one Ursula Goodglass and when a specimen that has been Graffenwalder's lifelong obsession comes on the market he jumps at the chance to gain the ultimate kudos.But as all we Rev Space readers know...Beware of Ultra's bearing gifts.4/5 starsNightingaleA team of mercenaries is assembled to take in a war criminal hiding out in a ghost spaceship. Sometimes to catch a monster, you have to become a monster.4/5 stars

I want Alastair Reynolds to work with David Mitchell on a sci-fi novel. It would start with Al working to arrive at a wonder-filled setting and establishing the scope they would cover. Physical laws and the inanimate, with some loose notes on the social structures that might inhabit such a space. David and Al would then tag-team the characters, fleshing out in the process the world-building from that point-of-view. Occasionally they'd get Kim Stanley Robinson on conference call for some advice about holistic systems thinking to make sure they're building characters who exist within, instead of above, the institutions they are components of. Plotting would be a completely shared experience, as both men are fully capable in that area. During the writing process proper, David would take the helm in terms of making each line pop with interesting and relevant language, while Al would champion the world-building and big-ideas camps, never letting the clever prose loose sight of its ambitions. Through this tension the shared narrative voice would emerge, not to mention a book I'd buy in a heartbeat.There's some four star gems in Galactic North, interspersed with some two and three star tales. Great Wall of Mars, Weather and Grafenwalder's Bestiary are my personal favorites. I avoided Dilation Sleep on grounds of the near-unanimous opinion (Reynolds included) that it was noticeably inferior to the other stories. I think this collection is an essential component of the RS universe, as its wide-ranging narrative space does much to expand the reader's understanding of the various factions, technologies, and locales at play. I love that Reynolds doesn't falter in the short format, since his novels suffer (to a letter in the three I've read) from being bloated when they should have been lean. (Ironically enough though, it is often the main story-lines that need trimming, as his digressions are often tremendously interesting, in much the same way that these stories can be.) That said, none of the stories here quite match the sensawunda of Revelation Space or House of Suns, so my hope is that Reynolds will proceed writing novel-length, but with the critical eye of a short story writer.

What do You think about Galactic North (2007)?

If you like the Revelation Space universe, this is a must read. This collection of short stories span a number of years of Reynolds's work, so it's interesting to see the evolution of the ideas in that space. Reynolds didn't update the stories for consistency with each other or with the novels (Revelation Space, Chasm City, etc), so it's sort of like reading the History of Middle Earth books. Great stuff!Update Summer 2009: Damn, there is something about this book that makes me pick it up and thing, "Oh hey, I haven't read this." About 15 pages into the first story, I realize that yes, I have. But that first one, like several of the stories that follow it, is so good that I don't mind reading it again. So I've read this at least twice, maybe more. Great stuff.

Arvasin, et pärast Revelation Space romaani lugemist võtan Reynoldsi loomingust väikese pausi, sest gootilik ängi täis sünkteadusulme võttis heas mõttes võhmale, aga Häid Raamatuid kammides jäi alatasa silma tema lühiromaanide/-juttude kogumik Galaktiline põhjakaar. No ei suutnud kiusatusele vastu panna ja läbi ta lugesin. Õigem oleks vist öelda, et ahmisin.[vasttärganud fänboy kiiduhala]Ma ei saa midagi teha, mulle meeldib Reynoldsi stiil ja tema RS maailm. Reynoldsi lühitööd on ühel või teisel moel (võtmetegelased, sündmused) pikkades romaanides juhtunuga läbipõimunud ja pigem leiab neist seletusi mõningatele aspektidele, millel raamatutes on põgusalt peatutud. Seega kena täiendus tulevikuajaloo maailmale, kus erinevatel pooltel, paikades ja ajalises mastaabis tegutsejad.Great Wall of Mars (4/5)Pean tunnistama, et kogumiku kaks esimest lugu olid mu esimeseks tutvuseks autoriga ja said varemalt eesti tõlkes läbi loetud. See polegi võib-olla halb lähenemine, sest Marsi Müüris antakse päris hea ülevaade demanarhistide ja ühendujate algsest konfliktist ning sündmustest, mis kahe inimkonna grupi teed lahku viisid. Nevil Clavain, Sandra Voi, Galiana jt oluliste tegelastega on võimalik kronoloogiliselt hilisemates lugudes põhjalikumalt tutvuda. Sarnaselt osadele kaasarvustajatele tundus Clavaini tegelaskuju veidi tuim olevat ning ega kõigile otsustele päris hästi pihta ei saanud. Kuid esmatutvus maailmaga oli vägev. Glacial (3/5)Eelmises loos tutvustatud Nevil satub demanarhistide eest põgenedes Diademi nimelisele planeedile, et lahendada seal üks... müsteerium. Jäi natuke nõrgaks, eriti müürilooga võrreldes. Järjena oleks oodanud pigem suuremas plaanis mõistatus(t)e lahendamist.A Spy in Europa (3/5)Liiga tihe andmine, ei suutnud vahepeal järge pidada. Lõpp meenutas – antagu mulle nüüd andeks – ühe prillidega võluripoisi seiklusi kooli kõrval asuvas veekogus.Weather (5/5)Armas lugu läbi ultrate silmade, kes võitlevad neid jälitavate kosmosepiraatidega. Kahe maailma kokkupõrge ja mõistmine, kui peategelased madina vahel ühenduja endi hulka toovad. Saame veidi aimu, kuidas toimivad ühendujate mootorid, mis võimaldavad kogu inimkonnal kosmoses suuri ruumivahemikke läbida.Dilation Sleep (4/5)Väga kena sooritus, arvestades seda, et tegu ühe esimese Reynoldsi tööga.Grafenwalder’s Bestiary (3/5)See loomadega mehkeldamine ja Dilberti koomiksis ekspluateeritud ületrumpajalik käitumine ei pakkunud pinget. Lõpp oli harjumuspärane Reynolds.Nightingale (4,5/5)Jällegi korralik eriüksuse madin, kus proovitakse kadunuks kuulutatud kosmoselaevast ühte sõjakurjategijat kohtumõistmise tarbeks ära tuua. Groteskne lõpp ja mõnus moraliseeriv alatoon TI poolt olid minu arust loo kirsiks. Jäi kergelt painama, kui uinuda proovisin :)Galactic North (5/5)Koos „Ilmaga“ üks paremaid lugusid antud kogumikus. Just see „rohelise galaktika“ idee ja kahe endise kaaslase nukker toimetamine läbi aastatuhandete. Huvitav, et pärast kogumiku lõpetamist sirvisin BAAS-ist teiste arvamusi ja Kristjan Sanderi poolt mainitud ebaloogilisus ühiskondade arengupeetusest mõlkus lugedes minugi kohati meeles. Sellest hoolimata äge lugu.[/vasttärganud fänboy kiiduhala]Lõpetuseks; oli kena lugeda autori järelsõna, kus ta veidi valgustab oma kirjutamise stiili ja loetleb üles arvukal hulgal kirjanikke/teoseid, kes/mis on tema töid mõjutanud. Seda lausa detailse täpsusega. Väga soe lugemine.Terve kogumik oli minu jaoks suurepärane, võtan vähima kõhkluseta Reynoldsi ülejäänud romaanitellised ette, sest tahan veel! (4/5)

I had encountered Alastair Reynolds’ work for the first time in those huge anthologies edited by Gardner Dozois in the 90-s which attempted to compile the best science-fiction (and occasionally fantasy) novella-length works annually. There, amidst boring and stiffly yawn-inducing works (which had become quite a craze, since the authors had thought that by going heavy on characterisation & dialogues, and light on action, they were “lifting” their works from the genre-ghetto to the level of literature), I had received quite a pleasant jolt when I had read Reynolds’ stories. This book brings 8 of them together. The stories are thematically linked (all of them take place in the ‘Revelation Space’ universe, involving & depending upon events that have been described at length in Reynolds’ novels), but they can all be read as stand-alone taut & sharp thrillers, and THAT is a very rare thing indeed.The contents are: -1.tGreat Wall of Mars: A brilliant story of diplomacy, attempted peace-making, sacrifice, betrayal, redemption, and non-stop action.2.tGlacial: Another brilliant science-fiction story, but even after taking away its stuff dealing with Conjoiners and futuristic technology, we have one of the finest murder-mysteries to read that belongs to the league of Asimov’s best mysteries.3.tA Spy in Europa: The shortest, and yet, arguably the best, thriller of the book, with surprises till the end.4.tWeather: This novella of piracy, action, suspense, and romance is one of the best stories of the book that is full of superlative works.5.tDilation Sleep: A short horror story, which is connected to the events later described at length in the novel ‘Chasm City’, and it is somewhat rusty (naturally, since it was one of the first stories written by Reynolds, and since it has NOT been ‘polished’ for this book).6.tGrafenwalder’s Bestiary: A chilling story of obsession and revenge.7.tNightingale: This novella, about a ghost-ship, a war-criminal, and an attempt to capture him unofficially, is one of the best thrillers that I have read in some time. It literally gave me shudders.8.tGalactic North: This story attempts to tie-up all the loose threads left by the three novels, combining it with a story of obsessive revenge & retribution, is the least satisfactory piece in the collection.(*) Afterword: Reynolds candidly discusses about the making of the ‘Revelation Space’ universe, and his inspirations. I found this piece to be highly valuable from a reader’s point of view, as it mentions many other works that a reader would like to savour henceforth.Highly recommended.
—Riju Ganguly

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