Ghost At The Drive-In Movie (2011) - Plot & Excerpts
Jessie had her notebook open to a new page. On it was a list of names she’d written: AMY JOEY DAN BRINKER MR. DUKE One of these people, the children were sure, had been causing the trouble at the Diamond Drive-in Theater. Violet pointed to Amy’s and Joey’s names. “I don’t think they did it. I think they want to save the theater.” Everyone else agreed. So Jessie crossed Amy and Joey off the list. “What about that argument we heard today?” Henry asked. “Do you think that Mr. Duke is really trying to force Uncle Flick to sell him the theater?” “No,” Jessie said. She tapped her pen, because she was thinking hard. “I don’t think so, either,” said Violet. Benny nodded, too. Jessie kept tapping her pen. “But … but what if Dan Brinker is? What if he’s the one who’s doing all the pranks?” Henry shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense, Jessie. Uncle Flick already likes Dan and wants to sell the theater to him. Dan doesn’t have to make him do anything.”
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