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Read Golden Fool (2003)

Golden Fool (2003)

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0553582453 (ISBN13: 9780553582451)

Golden Fool (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

What is this book...? Well, it's the continuation of Fitz's storyline. It's also the continuation of the Fool's storyline and Bukkeep's storyline. I would also go so far as to say that this is the continuation of the Elderlings world. This book, although focused on Fitz most of the time, is actually a story which traverses the boundaries of the two series we've previously read in this world. Whilst before now we have had small easter egg references to events or people within one of the other series books, we've not had a big crossover of many characters or events which directly affect the story quite as much. We get to see the return of some of those we met in Liveships, and we also see or hear about how many of the lives of those we enjoyed from the Farseer books are going. We meet new people along the way too, of course, but mainly this book felt to me like the beginning of a solidified narrative between all 8 of the books so far in the Realm of the Elderlings.This story follows Fitz after his return to the mysteries and struggles at Bukkeep court. We can see the many challenges his return has forced him to face, and we see many old and new faces who are, inevitably, mixed up in his storyline too. We get to follow Fitz through yet more ups and down, some of which were shocking, others seemingly destined, and we see how he copes against those who wish him harm and the secrets he must keep.One element of this book I particularly enjoyed were the italicised passages at the beginning of each chapter. Whilst I have thought that these were always interesting I think some of those shown within this book in particular have been most insightful and enlightening.I also really liked getting to see more of the characters of Dutiful, Thick, Hap and the Narcheska (alongside, of course, Fitz and the Fool) because each one was uniquely interesting and full of life and vibrance in their own way. We see Dutiful trying to become the man he strives to be and fill his position at Bukkeep well. We get to see Thick, a new character who is a halfwit, as he struggles against much of the same adversity and cruelty that Fitz had been subjected to in the past. We see Hap as he comes up against some of the fancies and ideals that young men around town are prone to and falls into some pitfalls which lead him to make his own mistakes.And finally we learn a little more about the Narcheska herself and her, rather odd and foreign, country which is maybe not so different to Buck. Each of these characters either amused me, intrigued me or made me worry for the at some point in the story meaning that I was constantly invested in their stories and what would happen next. I felt that the changing story threads for each of the characters was handled expertly and each one was given proper time to develop and unfold as Hobb intended.On the whole the story of this one was great and featured some excellent and central moments which will no doubt change the path of the next book and the history of Buck forever more. I cannot wait to finish up the Tawny Man series and see what is happening, and I also thought that this was one of the first times that I think the third book might be the best because of how much stuff Hobb has set in motion which will have to be resolved in book 3.I cannot wait for the final one, this one was a wonderful 5*s with some excellent writing and fab story-telling!

Questo è il tipico "volume di mezzo" in una trilogia.Privo di una trama vera e propria, privo di grande azione o anche solo di eventi memorabili, si limita a fare evolvere i personaggi e i rapporti tra di loro, facendo nel frattempo procedere gli eventi iniziati nel primo libro preparando il terreno per la conclusione della trilogia.Quindi, a rigor di logica, questo libro mi avrebbe dovuto annoiare.Dovrei scrivere, in questo momento, che sì, è scritto bene, ma è un libro inutile ai fini della trama, poteva essere condensato in molte meno pagine, non ha azione e non succede niente.Dovrei dargli tre stelline, magari.E invece no.Invece gli dò un punteggio pieno, e lo inserisco tra i libri più belli letti quest'anno.Come mai?Onestamente non lo so nemmeno io.Non so se è per la caratterizzazione stupenda dei personaggi della Hobb, che prendono vita davanti ai nostri occhi e ci restano in testa anche dopo averne letto le gesta.Non so se è perché vediamo questo nuovo Fitz adulto fare i conti con alcuni giovani irrequieti come lo era lui alla loro età, dovendo venire a patti con i problemi d'amore del suo figlioccio (ma visti i trascorsi con Molly essendo anche incapace di dirgli con convinzione di comportarsi come lui non si era mai comportato, malgrado i consigli degli adulti) e con la testardaggine e il candore del principe.Non so se è perché oltre a trovarsi ora in questa strana posizione di "Burrich" o "Umbra" nei confronti di ragazzi che gli ricordano sé stesso, si trova anche a fare i conti col tempo che passa per chi era adulto quando lui era un bambino, dovendo quindi accettare l'umanità di Umbra, il peso dei suoi anni, il suo orgoglio, l'avidità della sua sete di conoscenza. Arrivando a capire che ormai non può più fare affidamento totalmente su di lui.Non so se è perché ricompaiono i personaggi della trilogia dei Mercanti di Borgomago, e le due trame vengono intrecciate insieme.Non so se è perché il Matto ci stupisce ancora una volta con ciò che ha fatto tra la prima e la seconda trilogia dei Lungavista, facendoci riflettere su quanto abbiamo letto finora.Non so se è per il suo rapporto con Fitz, che è sempre stato particolare e che ora rischia una crisi definitiva.Non so se è per la ricomparsa della donna pallida che aveva causato la guerra della prima trilogia, e che è la nemesi del Matto.Non so se è per la piccola soddisfazione provata nel riconoscimento dell'identità di Fitz e di ciò che fa, da parte della famiglia reale.Non lo so.So solo che questo libro mi ha fatto stare a leggere fino a notte fonda, anche se ero stanco morto, al grdo di "un altro capitolo e poi basta". So solo che Fitz e il Matto non vogliono uscire dalla mia testa.E so solo che quando queste cose succedono, è perché si ha a che fare con un gran bel libro, e con un ottimo autore.

What do You think about Golden Fool (2003)?

I am enjoying the Tawny Man series more than I did the Farseerer series. I don't know if it is that the writing overall is better or it seems like Fitz is growing up some. The best part of this book, like the other Fitz and Fool books, is how it explores the relationships.I can really identify with Fitz as he struggles through all of the different relationships in his life. He still makes mistakes, but he does seem to have mellowed and isn't as rash when making decisions on his own. He does still have trouble reaching out to the others when he could use them.Again, like the other Fitz and Fool books, Fitz suffers quite a bit in this book. It would be nice to see him better off at the end of a book than the beginning. The only one so far that would describe is Fool's Quest, but that is more because of how bad things were for Fitz at the beginning of the book than how they ended up. From what I've seen, maybe I'll get my wish in Fool's Fate, but I doubt it will come without some suffering along the way too.

I think this would have to be my favorite Robin Hobb book so far. The struggles of the Old Blood and their different ways of responding to persecution and discrimination were very well portrayed. I also liked experiencing difficulties of the non-witted who wanted to bring positive change, though the prejudice still remained among most of their countrymen. The congenial Old Blood towards the end of the book, who starts befriending regular folk, deciding to stay at the keep and thus challenging the stereo-types against the Old Blood, makes me think of what I heard about George Washington Carver, and how his good heart, work ethic and love for those who discriminated against him, went a long way at helping relations between African-Americans and the white folk. Often trying to get revenge for past wrongs, perpetuates injustices and results in a cycle of violence against the innocent for what their ancestors did. Sometime one must forgive, love ones enemies and turn the other cheek to break that vicious cycle. But yeah, I was in awe at how well Hobb covered these issues in all their complexity, her wisdom in all of it shined through. I love the inner world of Fitz, the emotional richness, pathos and struggles just resonate with me, as other reviewers mention, Hobb really makes you care about him, she always creates such a realistic character, making mistakes, bad judgments and foolish discussions due to the complexity of his life and circumstance, but through it all, his heart is good and his desire to do what is right wins out. I appreciated how Hobb showed the complexities and possible consequences that arise due to causal sexual relations with those who their is no true bond of commitment, I feel she is painting a portrait much more in line with reality than what other authors present. I don't really think Hobb is the best at creating stories, plot-wise, not a lot happens and parts are rather predictable, she doesn't have Brandon Sanderson's skill of including as many surprises and plot twist (though Golden Fool did have a couple), nevertheless, the depth and richness of her characters, the relational interactions with all their complexity is so good, that it completely compensates. Though, I must say, the even story-wise, Golden Fool was much better than the first book of the series. Sorry for using the word complexity in almost every paragraph, but yeah...
—John Martindale

Absolutely amazing. I enjoyed reading this book so much, I was always sad to set it down. This book captured my attention almost the entire time. The beginning was a bit slow, but it shot off afterwards. This was definitely better than Fool's Errand: faster pace, secrets so close to bursting, and the focus on Fitz's life and his relationships with the various characters rather than the actual plot.I always say the same thing when I'm reviewing a Robin Hobb book: its amazing, Hobb is the Goddess of Writing, the characterization is absolutely stunning (I've yet to see an author do better), and the plot is so intriguing. I always feel engaged. Hobb's books are just an emotional roller coaster, smiling one minute and getting choked up the next. What more is there to say about Hobb's writing? I can't get enough of it.If there's one thing that Robin Hobb has taught us, it's that having a character killed off isn't the worst thing, it's having him go through sooo much trauma and a difficult life and knowing (since it's first person) that he doesn't die. Robin Hobb really knows how to break a heart.I can't wait for the next one, yet I'm sad that I'm on to the next once since it means that's one less Fitz book left. Oh well. All good things must come to an end, I guess.

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