It was frustrating – she wasn’t sure what was going on but seeing Karl and the boss of the TV crew talking, she felt sure that both knew more about what was going on than she did. I have to do some investigation of my own, she thought. Whatever this monster is, whatever is happening to me, I need to know. But how? She wished she could confide in someone, could get some help. But who could she possibly trust? Kirby was a trained investigator, but she worried that he’d take any kind of invitation personally rather than professionally. The thought made her shudder. Other than him, though, who did she know who might help? The two big men facing off against each other in the middle of the bar were both looking into the Monster, but could she trust either of them? They were both strangers. Her instincts told her to trust Karl, there was something about the big man that spoke to her in a way she didn’t understand.