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Read Gunsmoke Over Texas (1984)

Gunsmoke over Texas (1984)

Online Book

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Gunsmoke Over Texas (1984) - Plot & Excerpts

They found cattle grazing contentedly in the vicinity and there were no casualties.
“I don’t think they’ll try it again,” Slade said, “but just the same I have one of the boys scouting around here every night so as not to take any chances.”
“But why the devil did they do it in the first place?” Mawson wanted to know. “All they could do was knock off a few head of stock, not enough to do any real damage.”
“To heighten the tension between the ranchers and the oilmen,” Slade replied. “It’s an old outlaw trick, sir; set two outfits on the prod against each other, then each blames the other for anything that happens. Which makes a nice cover-up for smooth and salty gents operating in the section. Remember the old fable about the two families of ducks that were fighting over which should have the eel head they’d found? Well, while they were busy fighting one another, along came a cat and carried off the eel head.”
Old Tom tugged his mustache and ‘lowed it sort of made sense.

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