Hamish X And The Hollow Mountain - Plot & Excerpts
There was a crowd of children waiting for the next car. He didn’t feel like being the centre of attention any more today. He decided to take the stairs. His quarters were three levels above. For a normal child without the benefit of Hamish X’s augmented footwear that would be a lot of stairs. Hamish X was bitterly aware that he was not a normal child. He wasn’t really a child at all. He concentrated on his boots, feeling them respond with a trickle of power. He began to run. He took the stairs three at a time and he still wasn’t going all out. He probably could have leapt from level to level if he really wished to, but he didn’t want to attract any more notice. He flashed by other children on the stairs, their astonished faces blurring by as he jumped over or sped around them. As he fell into the rhythm of the climb he felt the familiar joy that came from using the boots. The power surged through his legs, lifting him up, up, up. The wind whistling past his ears, the stunned faces of the children he passed, the pounding of the soles on the stone all served to lift his spirits.
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