He was trying to enjoy the last semi-warm day of autumn. On his right was Lord Lansdowne Public School, an unlovely box with a concrete playground. Why do they pave playgrounds? he wondered for the thousandth time. What’s fun about falling and scraping the skin off your palms? Brendan had done th...
There was a crowd of children waiting for the next car. He didn’t feel like being the centre of attention any more today. He decided to take the stairs. His quarters were three levels above. For a normal child without the benefit of Hamish X’s augmented footwear that would be a lot of stairs. Ham...
To the north, bank towers and condos loomed. Brendan could make out Old City Hall, the Queen’s Park legislature, and the weird angles of the Royal Ontario Museum Crystal. To the south, the dark waters of the lake stretched away, broken only by the occasional ship’s lights and the glow from Ward’s...
Crisp The main chamber was a hive of activity. Every available Grey Agent was occupied with the task of priming the gate. Mr. Crisp and his security detail stood looking out over the vast chamber, the beautiful, pulsating gate shedding the glorious light of the homeworld over them all. Many last-...
The wooden scaffold on which they perched served as a walkway around the natural bowl of the volcanic crater, which was roughly circular and about two hundred metres across. Parveen and Mimi had found the pirates’ stronghold at the very centre of Snow Monkey Island. And so they took stock of the ...