He knew she was right. She saw it in his eyes. “Okay. First of all, I truly am sorry you were humiliated. I knew Bonnie and Leland were married, but I did not know you were dating him. When I found the performance reviews I thought you were involved with him somehow, but I had no details.” “And because he and Bonnie are still married, you assumed what? That they’d sent me here to get information?” “Something like that, yes.” “You realize now that’s not true, right?” “Yes. I know that’s not true.” “What happened at HCS?” He looked conflicted, but she didn’t care. The hell with his secrets. He’d exposed hers, so now she had a right to know his. “The situation with Bonnie is ongoing, so I can’t tell you everything. I wish I could, but we have to protect ourselves. This is a powder keg waiting to happen if we aren’t careful.” “So she did have a run-in with you.” “Not with me, personally, but with all of us, yes.” “Did she take it public?”