He blinked hard as he stared at the beams above and tried to ascertain his whereabouts. Then it all came flooding back. He was in the hay loft. He’d come out here last night with Catherine and they’d experienced an explosive reunion. He reached out for her, yearning for her warmth, but he found only the imprint of her body in the blanket covering the hay. He sat up and looked around. She was gone. He leaned over and buried his face into the rough outline of her form. Her sweet fragrance made his breath catch in his throat. She had been here. It hadn’t been a cruel dream. So where in the hell was she now? He grabbed his clothes and crawled over to the ladder then hurried down to the barn. A loud whistle when he reached the bottom rung stopped him in his tracks. “Well whadda we got here?” Kenan turned slowly, covering his groin with the bundle of clothing, to meet the smiling hazel eyes of his brother. “Morning, Matthew.” He offered a bashful grin. “You been out here all night, brother?”