What do You think about He Who Fears The Wolf (2006)?
Próza Karin Fossum mňa osobne oslovuje kvôli klasickej výstavbe detektívneho príbehu. Číta sa ľahko, aj keď sa zaoberá ťaživými problémami. Tento román sa na niekoľkých miestach stáva aj úvahou o viacerých otázkach súvisiacich s vinou a trestom. Do popredia sa dostávajú diskusie o predsudkoch, prezumpcii neviny a spoločenského milosrdenstva. Keďže román pôvodne vyšiel v roku 1997, odzrkadľuje sa v ňom koncept nórskej humanity. Je preto otázne, ako by autorkine úvahy ovplyvnila skúsenosť nórskej spoločnosti s extrémizmom a brutálnym konaním A. B. Breivika. To by bol ale asi iný príbeh.http://jozefkuric.blog.sme.sk/c/36645...
—Jozef Kuric
It's not my first read of Karin Fossum. I bought this one because I had read one of her books before and I loved it. And this time I loved it as well. Every moment of free time that I had went to this book as soon as I started it. If I had the time I probably would have read it in one go. It's such a pageturner. The first few pages I started reading I couldn't help but thinking 'what the hell did I buy' but after the first 2-3 pages you can't stop yourself from wanting to know more. She really g
—Vicky Wils
“ A person can’t see much when the Devil is holding the candle.”Here’s the situation: We have a murdered woman, found at her home in the deep woods. Back in town, we have an early morning bank robbery, with a hostage taken. We have an escaped mental patient, last seen roaming the same woods and for good measure, throw in a fat juvenile delinquent, armed with a bow and arrow. How do all these things come together? Well, you’ll have to read this highly enjoyable mystery, set in Norway, to find out.This is the 2nd book in a series, featuring Inspector Sejer. He is a likable character, despite his taciturn manner and the reader will find much pleasure in tagging along with him, as he attempts to piece together this thorny puzzle. Yes, the subject matter is very dark, but Fossum brings a fresh, sometimes playful, air to the proceedings. I can’t wait to continue this terrific series.