Two days had passed since their ill-fated ride. Two tension-filled days. Lee had avoided her except at mealtimes and then he had been sullen and withdrawn. She’d been tempted to take her meals in her bedroom, but had refused to let him chase her out of her own kitchen. If he didn’t like her company, he could take his meals in the barn! Dragging her gaze from his sweat-sheened back and quietly cursing the fact that he rarely wore a shirt when he worked, she studied the barn. He’d done a good job, she couldn’t fault him there. The freshly painted white trim made a vivid contrast to the dark brick-red paint. As soon as he finished the doors, the barn would be done and he’d start on the house. Kelly wrapped her arms around her waist. She should let him go, she thought. He had warned her that there were wild animals prowling around and that they weren’t all four-footed. She wondered suddenly if he’d been warning her against himself. She had no doubt that Lee Roan Horse could be a dangerous man.