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Read Heartstopper (2007)

Heartstopper (2007)

Online Book

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0743295986 (ISBN13: 9780743295987)
atria books

Heartstopper (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

In Joy Fieldings Thriller „Heartstopper“ wird ein kleines Dorf in Florida von einem unbekannten Killer heimgesucht, der auf brutale Art und Weise willkürlich Frauen und Mädchen tötet und zwar mit einer Kugel in den Kopf.Im Mittelpunkt des Romans steht Mrs. Sandy Crosby, die Englischlehrerin der Highschool, doch auch andere Charaktere werden näher beleuchtet. Es werden viele mögliche Täter dargestellt, sodass ich bis zum Schluss nicht wusste, wer der Täter war und den wirklichen Täter niemals verdächtigt hätte.Außerdem werden viele verschiedene Probleme der Einwohner beschrieben, vorrangig der Familie Crosbie und den Menschen um Sandy Crosbie, die erst vor kurzem mit ihrer Familie von Rochester umgezogen ist, mit ihrem Mann, ihrer Tochter und ihrem Sohn, kurz bevor er sie für eine andere Frau verlassen hat.Joy Fielding legt eine Menge an falschen Fährten für die Leser und schafft es so, die Spannung bis zum Schluss aufrechtzuerhalten. Besonders gut gefallen haben mir die Kapitel aus der Sicht des Mörders, die in Tagebucheinträgen verfasst waren und in dem er immer wieder behauptet nicht wahnsinnig zu sein, und in der er eine genauere Sicht gibt, man erfährt beispielsweise was den Mörder zu seiner Tat bewegt und erhält Hintergrundwissen über ihn.Ich persönlich fand das Buch wahnsinnig spannend und konnte es nicht wirklich aus der Hand legen, da ich immer darauf gewartet habe, dass sich der Täter irgendwie verrät. Das einzige, was mir nicht so gut gefallen hat, war dass es sehr viele Charaktere sind und ich zu Beginn leichte Probleme mit dem Zuordnen hatte, aber sobald man sich einmal eingelesen hat, geht es gut.Allerdings wird es nach einiger Weile nervig, dass dauernd auf dem Gewicht herumgehackt wird, eines der Mädchen hat zu viel, ein anderes wiederum viel zu wenig, dies hätte meiner Meinung nach nicht unbedingt sein müssen.Alles in allem fand ich das Buch aber trotzdem sehr spannend und gut geschrieben, weswegen es auch 4 von 5 Sternen erhält.

Less than 100 pages in I figured out "who done it," so no point in finishing. I don't particularly like the writing, it's MUCH too rambling for me to maintain interest. My mind kept wandering every time the narrator would go off on yet another tangent about their sordid past. Most of the time, even if I know the big twist, I'll still read the book to find out how things unfold, but here I just don't care and I'm certain I already have a pretty good idea of how things will go anyway. (view spoiler)[What made the kidnapper's identity obvious was that the kidnapper was blatantly not interested in sex and was, in fact, shocked when sex was offered. Another big clue was that the gender of the kidnapper isn't confirmed, at least not in the first 100 pages, so I figured it's gotta be a girl because that would make for an interesting twist if you want to be totally obvious about it. The kidnapper is targeting pretty girls, "heartstoppers," as the title shows, so she's obviously a girl who's insecure and jealous and very likely abused by a family who puts too much emphasis on being pretty. Plus all the talk about food and how it's so primal and even in the hardest of times people think about food, and there you have it. The fat girl did it. Duh! (hide spoiler)]

What do You think about Heartstopper (2007)?

I would have to agree with the writer who made the comment about Delilah's weight. I work in a Middle School and many of the girls are about Delilah's height and weight and are quite popular. It was annoying to be constantly told how heavy she was and then to find out she is probably around a size 10 or 12. Certainly not anorexic but not obese either. It was also unrealistic to attribute all of the rejection and bullying to the so-called "weight problem". Other than that it was a light enjoyable read. Like several others, I did guess the murderer about 1/3 of the way through.

Wow! I don't remember ever gasping aloud at the climax of a novel, but gasp aloud I did with "Heartstopper." I always enjoy Joy Fielding's novels and this one is no exception.Sandy Crosbie, an English teacher at Torrance, Florida's local high school, is in the midst of a personal and family crisis. Unbeknownst to Sandy, her husband Ian, a prominent doctor, has moved the family to Florida in order to meet up with Kerri Franklin, a woman he has become involved with on the Internet. Torrance being a small suburban town, everyone quickly learns that Ian has left his family to "take up" with Kerri. The fact that Kerri's daughter, Delilah, is one of Sandy's students, means that Sandy is constantly being faced with the reality of what has happened. Sandy's own teenagers, Megan & Tim, attending the same school, are also reminded of their father's new life-- on a daily basis.When one of the popular, "in-crowd," girls is missing and soon found dead, the entire town is on edge. They soon learn that another teenage girl, from a neighboring town, has been reported missing for over one month; and, when a third woman, the wife of Sandy's neighbor, turns up dead, it becomes clear that a serial killer is on the loose. The novel deals extensively with teenage relationships, bullying, and the personal insecurities teenagers go through. On a parallel course, however, we see that adults have many of the same trials and tribulations. As the suspense builds, the novel's pace does as well. Contrary to how so many of today's novels fall apart and weaken as they climax, however, "Heartstopper" actually strengthens and solidifies at its climax. An exciting and thoroughly enjoyable read!
—Phyllis Sommers

Lagi2 Joy Fielding mmasukkn urusan prselingkuhan k dlm bukunya.Kali ini si suami ninggalin istri+anak2nya demi wanita yg hmpir smua onderdil tbuhnya udh dijejali silikon/plastik/botox.Bener2 deh ni lelaki,cm bs mkir pake ap yg ad d balik celananya.Untung sj si suami ini bner2 tipe lelaki brengsek,jd yg bc gak smp emosi wkt dia pamer kmesraan sana sini sm wanita jalang pilihannya.Gak nyangka klo pelakunya trnyata si 'itu'.Dan lagi2,penganiayaan masa kecillah yg mmbuatnya jd seorg psikopat gila.Btw,smp crita selesai,gak djelaskn bgmn si Sheriff bs tiba tepat wkt d rmh tua klrga Kimble utk mnyelamatkn Megan.Apkh si G yg mnghubunginya?Ah,jd brtanya2 sndri jadinya.
—Mahareni Maldini

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