She didn't look any different, she thought, astonished and amused. She anchored the curling mass of her hair with a large clip. Several tendrils escaped, but she paid no attention. She leaned over the sink and took a closer look at herself.Nothing. Nada. Zip. Same old Serenity.But she knew that she was not the same old Serenity. A glorious satisfaction bubbled up inside her. She had not been wrong about Caleb, after all. No man could have made love the way Caleb had made love last night unless he cared deeply.She'd seen the truth in his eyes when she opened her door and found him on her front steps. At least she thought she had seen the truth. She had certainly seen something significant in his expression. He had the look of a man who'd had a revelation. The savage need in him had been coupled with another raw emotion so fierce and strong that it could only have been love.That was why she'd taken the risk of letting him see the photographs. This morning she woke up with the certainty that now Caleb would understand.