Were They Dealing with a Demonic Cult or a Devilishly Clever Killer?
GUINEVERE JONES - Being a good neighbor was easy when the window across the way framed a handsome young handsome young artist. But when she became witness to sudden violence in his apartment, it was only a hint of the trouble to come.
ZACHARIAH JUSTIS - He was up to his ears with an enchanting new client when a twitch of jealousy, the ticking of biological clocks, and a confrontation with mortal danger made him rethink his relationship to Guinevere Jones.
A slashed canvas, a pentagram streaked by a bolt of lightning, chilling blood rites -- they lead Guinevere and Zac into the dark heart of mystery where art, magic, and money weave a dangerous spell.
What do You think about The Sinister Touch (1986)?