His Motherless Little Twins (2010) - Plot & Excerpts
“Look, Neil, I think he was coming from the river and got turned around. It’s easy to do up here, since this is close to where the river cuts in. What I’m not seeing though is any sign that three people came through here together recently. So I think Troy taking this trail was an accident. I don’t think we’re going to find anything on it, which means I’m going off trail and heading straight over to the river.” Neil’s expletive was brittle and explosive. “Look, I’ve got the team on the ridge now, but they’re too far away, not going to get to the river before you do, and I don’t think you’re going to get to a point where you can meet up with them before I have to call them back in for the night.” “Well, I’m betting that the Dawsons wouldn’t have gone too far upriver. Maybe as far as the rapids. It’s still a good hike up there, but I think can make it before dark, and I’m not inclined to turn around.” “The rapids are another hour ahead of you, and I’m not happy having you and Dinah out there after dark, as Dinah isn’t experienced.”
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